Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It's a fact

We're killing our world. Slowly, that's for sure, but it's inevitable. We're killing our rivers, and forests and every species of animal, insect and plant. No way our planet will be able to sustain the population nor the pollution. I'd hate to be alive at the end of the world. What a horrific catastrophe. Sad.

Do you think you 'live' on after death? Or is it just a blackness, like sleeping. Do you think there's a 'God'. Someone or something that is there when you die? The world is pretty 'fact' based. No such things as ghosts, reincarnation, channeling, psychic readings. It's all hockey puck. When you die, you die. You're just gone. I like to 'entertain' that there's something else out there. That my entity will go to another dimension. But it aint happenin. I recently read Tuesdays with Morrie. I commend him on trying to teach people to live in the moment and to love, love, love. I know he reached some. Some people look at life differently because of him. Good. That was his intent.
I'm not much of a 'people' person. I'm more nature involved. I love animals, and trees, flowers, tangible things. I DO like certain people though. Like my husband. He's tangible. Oh yeah. LOL

I'm reading The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. I also have the DVD coming. It's a story of a guy down on his luck getting lucky to be able to stay at a place that had these wild parrots living in the vicinity. Great story. It's in San Francisco. He gets to know them by feeding them and helping them according to their individual needs. Every parrot is different in not only the way they looked, but temperament and personality.

I loved Tupelo too. sniffle
Be back later.....with some bpal reviews...

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