Friday, March 17, 2017

Lucy Sue -Crazy monster dawg from Hell

Okay okay. It needs said. New dawg is weird. She's funny, undisciplined, wild, a nut, silly, disobedient, and I just don't know if she'll ever change.

I sure hope so because she's getting big! She's almost as tall as the other two. Thank God she's weighs only about 60 lbs because she'd be bowling us over. She loves coming from behind and going through our legs. ALL THE TIME. I thought she'd stop once she got bigger but nope. It's quite startling when she does it because since she's coming up behind, we don't see her. I actually think she loves doing it. Makes us laugh and she likes that. She's the most ghetto dog too. If I'm on the recliner she'll jump into my lap in a split second. And she's not delicate about it. I am hoping as she gets heavier she won't do it.

She is so dejected when we discipline her that we just hate to do it, therefore she gets away with a lot. Isn't that how it always is? You discipline the first born kids then the youngest always get away with murder!? Well, that's how it is around here.
If we even look at her funny she thinks she's in trouble, and her ears go back and she gets slinky and she gets into her crate. 85% of the time that she thinks she's in trouble she isn't.

And don't stare at her. She hates it. Freaks OUT! She'll scream, literally SCREAM! if you stare at her too long. It's really funny. So Jeff does it all the time to her. No wonder she's a rebel child.

She loves her crate. By this time the last two were out of theirs all day and roaming while we were at work. Oh no, not her. She even gets into it in the middle of the night. I personally think it because the cat can't get her to beat the shit out of her, but who knows. I can't trust her to be out while we're gone though. She'd destroy  everything. All my boots on shelves in the entranceway would be toast. So we're still crating her. We used to crate her at night but don't anymore, she chooses to be in it. The gate on it isn't even locked. She usually sleeps on the couch all night. She does need out once per night and wakes me up with short loud screams. But Stark likes going out then too so it's all good. They go back to sleep (usually her in the crate now) while I end up watching TV for three hours until I fall asleep again. sigh

She's really lovey. Loves kisses and attention. When I look at her and say, "I'm gonna give you some lubbins." she gets all gooey, submissive, and warm just waiting for me to come over to coddle her. But I swear she has ADD because she can't sit still while getting love. She has to squirm and lightly chew my hands, but I can tell she loves it. Even though she's is over energized most of the time and destroys things, we still feel she's going to turn into a good adult dog. We just hope she doesn't chew our faces off someday. LOL Yeah........we kinda think she's capable and I didn't know Jeff thought that until one day he nonchalantly said something along those lines. I said, "You think that too!!??" Yeah, she's a little off. Like Cuckoo's Nest off.

No lobotomy for my baby!!