Saturday, January 19, 2013

Wow a new year has come and gone since my last post!! We missed New Years in Iowa. Yeah, hubby and me were drinking and turning each other music on youtube. hehe gotcha! Anyway, we were aware of New York's New year...we were watching Kathy Griffith (LOVE HER!!) and Cooper Anderson, but we were so involved that Iowa's New Years passed us by. About 1:00am  Jeff says, I think we missed midnight....LOL! Oh well, there's always next year.....hopefully anyway.

I made my first bath bombs today!! (snoopy dance) I made them with BPALs Occupy Wallstreet, an intense patchouli. Sorry Sisi I know you have an aversion to patch...but (sigh) I love it. The bombs are drying right now. I hope they fizz. lol I used cocoa butter and kaolin powder in them too so they are soothing and nourishing to my skin.  my house smells like patch right now. Jeff's gonna hate it. I plan to make prime rib roast tonight so that should placate him. YEAH, I KNOW WHAT MY MAN NEEDS....HEHE

Jeff's sister is in the last stages of cancer. Fucking sucks. She''l be 54 on Jan 28. Just found out another first cousin of mine has cancer and 6 months to live too. I grew up across the street from him. He's my mother's sister's kid. He's my age. He just turned 50 on Oct 28th. OMG we're all getting it. My brother had throat cancer in 2008, my sister had kidney cancer in 2011. That's why I said hopefully on next year's new year. Just never know. We're looking at corvettes. Yeah STILL.  Probably a 2013, just so it's not a money pit. I want one before I'm told I'm gonna die. I'm spending my money while I'm alive. We don't have kids anyway so who would we give it to? BAH! 

Ever hear a song or artist and instantly know you love them! That happened today with this song. Never heard of her before.

OMG It's like techno house music with Annie Lennox singing! Here's the vid without the link.

I also like this a lot.
She's the bomb. I already bought a CD from ebay!! Hey, when I want sumpin, I get it! I'll post pics of the corvette as soon as we get one! LOL~!