Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I have a serious

addiction to pho.

I mean, it's ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-aa-a-a-d.

I go once a week to get some. Went again tonight. Had the seafood pho for the first time. Was there last Sunday too. If I'm not eating pho I'm making it and on a quest to find thai basil here in the Asian groceries.  On Pinterest I am drooling over pho pics.

Our cat Cindy is blind or almost blind. Deaf too. I think she can see movement but that's it. She swings her eyes around trying to see things, and follows the walls and almost bumps into things.  So far she's adapted really well. It started about 6 months ago when I noticed her left pupil was always enlarged and getting cloudy. Now the other is that way too. She gets around really well and still climbs the kitchen cabinet to get onto the pull out bread board which is HER place to eat. She also still uses the litter boxes in the basement and the spare bedroom upstairs, and also finds the water bowl in the upstairs bathroom. She's such a good cat. One of the best cats we've ever had. She's not only a lap cat but she's never pottied outside of a litterbox, ever. I've never even see her vomit.  When I call her name I can tell she can't hear me. She has always had this chronic ear thing going on and I wonder if the deafness and blindness are tied into that. I think she's gonna do just fine.

Here's a pic of my older brother and my SIL. He's got dimples like me! I just texted him, Happy t day, u ugly fucks!   ROFLMAO  He'll come back with something quippy. LOL

Later--Here's what he wrote back an hour later--he must have been out drinking...LOL :

'Im an ugly fuck and im ok i stink all night and i smell all day. in the morning i go skunkin and pass the time away.....'

SNORT!!! I knew it!! He's a hoot.
Blind pick bpal oil review:


Light yellow in color.

In the vial: Lemony and cologne at the same time. Smooth.

On the hand: Not so smooth now. Pushy yellowness. Like dropping a bottle of cologne in a lemon shop. Or holding a lemon to my nose while meandering through a perfume store. And it is pushy! It's a bully. This one's not backing down for anyone or anything. I love it.

What's in this? Sisters to the Erinyes and the Gigantes, the ash tree nymphs were also born from the union of the blood gushing from Ouranos’ castration wounds and Gaia’s fertile womb. These nymphs were the mother of the Bronze Race of mankind’s third age.

Ash manna and ambrosial honey.

Yummmm. Others got citrus, lemon and grapefruit so I'm not totally nuts here. yay
I can see the smoothness I got in the vial was the honey then the green sap came out on the hand. I like this, but most other reviewers didn't care for it. It's a keeper for me....but I love lemon scents....

One hour later:

Fah!!! This Meliai screams off the skin! I keep getting big wafts of it. Definitely a man's scent. Now it's squirrely amberish earth.
It's wonderful. But a manly scent. Not a big bottle winner only for that reason.

Even later: This is wonderful. Heavy, manly, musky.

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