Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lush bath

Rose Jam Bubbleroon-for the scent and bubbles.
The Comforter-for the bubbles.
Lust soap.
Red Door Shower gel.
Luster powder.
I glitter!

Am I in the minority here? Kiss.....unplugged and unmakeup. YEAH!!


I don't know why I like this so much. I wasn't even rooting for David.

Do you know when I fell in love with Adam Lambert? When he was in a suit, sitting on a stool, singing Tracks of My tears.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Drivin my life away!

(He's so cute)

It's bright sunshine and 75 degrees today so we went a drivin' with the top down in Loo-See.  Three and a half hours later, we're back. That car is a BLAST to drive! OMG! We put 200 miles on it today. We went north out to Saylorville Lake and drove above and below the dam, then we went way to the west to the Jordan Creek area, then south to SouthRidge Mall to Petco for dawg food, then to Indianola, Iowa, to the Walmart there.
A 33lb of Royal Canin German Shepherd food is $59.99 and fits divinely in the trunk. Mojo eats it too. (Weird cat.)  Four Walmart sacks fit divinely too, along with my purse. There was even room to spare! I coulda bought 4 more bags!! When the top's down it doesn't take up any trunk space. Sweet!
 I freaking love my car!!!!

These are Morning Glories. I do believe they are my favorite flower anymore. I buy a variety of different colors every year and they also self sow which is a bonus. They can kind of take over but I don't care. They are always multicolored too. Like brilliant starbursts. So pretty.

This year the blues thrived along with the pinks. Last year it was the deep purples and fuchias. The pinks are closed because they bloomed last night about 7 pm. They'll open up again tonight , I will have to get another pic. I let them sow anywhere too. They are a vine so they wrap around anything and everything. They've even climbed up from our wrought iron on the stoop, and attached to my wind chimes, and then the wind chime doesn't chime anymore! Which is not a bad thing if you're an insomniac like me.  In the morning when I go to work they are all open and waving goodbye as I pull out of the drive. They are an easy flower to grow and germinate with no work. I just buy some seed packets and sprinkle the packets over some areas I want them to grow. No digging or covering the seeds is necessary.
I moved around the stuff hanging over my sink. It's better balanced now. I love my house. I have cat figurines in the birdcages, in a hanging light and along the windowsills. Can you see all the kitties? This is an eclectic mixture of suns, birdcages, butterflies, stars, cats, hanging tea light lanterns, a frog, spiders, and fish.

We're having Iowa Chops for supper with homemade potato salad. The potato salad has onion, celery, celery seed, dill weed and mustard in the sugared mayonnaise sauce. I normally don't use mustard in my potato salad but Jeff likes it in it.

Blind Pick~!

Velvet  (BPAL)

In the vial: hazelnut? Nutty. Sunflower seeds.

On the hand: chocolate, that plastic chocolate that bpal is known for. I'm not getting anything else but plastic chocolate. Blech.
Not even worth describing. What's in this? Envelop yourself in the soft, sensual embrace of gentle sandalwood warmed by cocoa vanilla and a veil of deep myrrh.

Hopefully the sandalwood and myrrh will come out to play in a bit. But right now.....this is hideous.

Me loves Katy.......

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bpal's Mercurian Phoenix

The other day before work I made a blind grab into some vials I have yet to review and pulled this one out. I smelled it to make sure I would like it before wearing it blindly to work. I could tell it would be okay. So I put it on.

It was lemony in the vial. Nice and bright. It reminded me of Posset's Limoncello, and Naples Lemon. 
It stayed lemony for about 20 minutes then smoothed out into a wickedly good sandalwood. All day I kept getting whiffs of this crazy great skin scent. Very unique.
Slighty spicy like carnations. Yellowy sweet sandalwood. As the day wore on I knew I needed a big bottle of this. Every hour the lemon smell faded more and the spicy sandalwood got headier and headier. So sexy of a scent.

What's in this? yellow sandalwood, bergamot, gum mastic, gum Arabic, lavender, lemongrass, angelica root, and anise.

OMG I got the sandalwood correct! The anise is the spice and the lemongrass was the lemon. I didn't do too bad. Love this oil. It'd be a great signature scent because there's no over the counter perfume that could match this. It's too different.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Ya know?

I very seldom talk about work here. I've made a reference to work once when I was put in a position to be the manager's assistant and I've spoken of 'coworkers' like twice.
Yesterday the biggest asshole I've ever worked with was fired. I knew he'd dig his own grave.
That's all I'm saying.

Oh....and that I'm


Hey Asshole   <<<<<youtube video

Sums it up perfectly. LOL!!

Between my husband in the background thinking I'm talking to him, Ava in the background thinking I am talking to her and the neighbor's dog.....OH! and one cat meow! ...Stark hasn't got a chance.....

My husband is PISSED OFF!

NAPA just lost a customer. We've been following Nascar for over 35.
NAPA just released Michael Waltrip Racing from their sponsorship for doing what every other team on Nascar has been doing for years. Helping a teammate to make it in the chase. Bunch of shit. Jeff thinks Nascar is fixed anymore. I was disagreeing until he provided some good examples and now I have to tell's kind of looking that way. He thought it was a team sport so why would it be wrong for a teammate to help another teammate to get into the chase? Bunch of SHIT! Why are they fining now when teams have been doing it for years!!!!???

Bunch of SHIT!!!!

I'm hungee for homemade pizza gotta go.....

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I have a name! I have a name!

I've been toying with the names below since I posted. I was liking Rojo until a coworker said it's pronounced Ro-ho and not Ro Joe, and that it's kind of a boy's name. She has the El Salvadorian husband. Bah.

Then I started liking Mika. But it still didn't feel right.

So today I asked a creative gal at work and the first name out of her mouth was Lucy. I was floored because I had a cat named Loo-C until about a year ago. Then she says, "you know, red hair and it's red (my car), and I love Lucy!" Meaning SHE loves Lucy.  So I told her I had a cat named that and also a chicken once. My dad bought 6 chicks for eggs, two died, so I named the remaining four Charlotte, Gertrude, Elvira and Lucy. I used to dress Elvira in clothes and carry her around the neighborhood. Yeah, I was a weird kid. LOL

So now I am debating whether to spell it differently.

Like Loo-See, Lou-C, Lou-See, Lucie, or just Lucy. I don't want to spell it the way I spelled my cat's name.

Luciata. Lucy combined with Miata.

I'm liking Loo-See for short.  It's kind of like 'take a looksee'.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Help Wanted

Room, Board and Fringe Benefits

I am needing a name for my new car. (Oh, and Jeff can drive it. I thought he wouldn't be able to. Drats!! Just kidding) I had to show him how to get in. He was trying to swing his legs in but he's just too tall and big. I showed him how to stand above it and 'drop' his legs in. Top has to be down, of course. Stupid me. Just kidding again. He drove it today to the store. Me's thinkin' he likes it. Uh huh. Drats! Just kidding. Or am I??????

Okay, I want a cute, feminine, Spanish, Japanese, or fiery name (because of the red flame color). Here's some contenders:

Rojo --means red in Spanish (plus I have a cat named Mojo-so there's a slight connection), I'm leaning toward this name.




Honoo- Means flame in Japanese



Caliente -Cali for short



Meeohmyoh or Miomyo


Mika -Japanese- means beautiful fragrance- a tribute to the oils I review


Tora- Japanese for tiger

Chītā -Japanese for cheetah

So HELP! Give me some ideas and suggestions. I'm open to anything. I asked a message board for help when I was naming Stark. The poster said Stark meant strong in German, plus I was reading The Game of Thrones at the time and one of the main characters' last name was Stark, so it was absolutely perfect for him. It just fit so perfect. So I know I can get a name here too. Help!! I will know it when I see it. Just like Stark. Thanks!



Reading one of my favorite blogs I came across this comment by Opus#6:
Others prefer a MAN who can get business done. If that business is going downstairs at 3am to check what that noise is and he is extremely effective at keeping the family safe, all the better.

That reminded me of a story my sister told me while we were drinking at my brother's Jimmy Buffett party years ago. Her husband's name is Bill.

They lived in a small country town called Truro. They lived on the edge of town in a house built in 1900's that has the large wooden porch that was so popular in those times. They no longer live here so I am good to go on posting a pic of the house.

About 3 in the morning they're in bed and Michelle hears some noises on the front porch. It sounds like people walking on it. Clop! Clop! Clop! She wakes up Bill. "Bill! There's someone on our porch! Go down and see who it is!"
"No way, I'm not getting shot."
So Michelle goes down and looks out the window and the neighbors' sheep had gotten loose and she had about 50 of them in her yard and all over her porch.

She said they were all bahing, "Biiiiiilllll! Biiiiillllll!"


(you know the jokes about men and sheep)

I wasn't prepared for that punch line when she was telling me the story and I about peed my pants I was laughing so hard. In actuality when she was telling the neighbors about it, the neighbor is the one that asked if they were crying Biiiiiilllll. So she decided to add that to the story. Too freaking funny.

There's a man for ya.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


I didn't drive my new car to work yesterday because it was Friday the 13th.


I know.

I have the manual transmission, but I didn't get the Club or Grand Touring edition. This car is a BLAST to drive!!


I made two types of pork for the carnitas we had last week. I took half of the pork butt and sliced it into 6 inch by 3 inch by 2 inch thick pieces and placed on a baking pan. I salted and peppered the pieces, then put in some water. Here's the recipe I used. 
 4 LBS  bone-in pork shoulder roast, cut into 1 1/2- to 2-inch slabs
Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Cut each slab of pork in half and lay the pieces in a baking dish (they should fit into a 13 x 9-inch baking dish without being crowded). Liberally sprinkle with salt (about 1 teaspoon) on all sides. Pour 1/3 cup water around the meat, cover tightly with foil, and bake for 1 hour.
Raise the oven temperature to 450 degrees. Uncover the meat and cook until the liquid has completely reduced and only the rendered fat remains, about 30 minutes. Now, roast, carefully turning the meat every 7 or 8 minutes, until lightly browned, about 20 minutes longer. Break the meat into large pieces and serve on a warm platter, sprinkled with salt.
Rick Bayless also sells a carnita sauce. I used this on the other slab of pork and cooked it in the crockpot. 

To make the beans I used a friend's husband's recipe. He's from El Salvadore.

2 onions

6 cloves garlic

1 chicken bouillon cube

1 tbsp oregano

1 tbsp onion salt

1 tbsp garlic salt

Add beans to 6 cups of water. Add one onion (sliced), garlic cloves, chicken bouillon, oregano, garlic/onion salt.

Soak overnight or 10-12 hours

Put beans in pressure cooker or pot, add more water if necessary (water should be covering the beans)

Cover and cook on medium heat for 1-1/2 hours (continue to add water if necessary)

Sautee other onion with olive oil. Add to bean mixture

Blend beans in blender. (We have a hand blender and mix it right in the pan)

Put back on the stove and cook until just boiling.

Above is the crockpot pork with the store bought carnitas sauce. I also added a box of beef broth.

Above is the baked pork that I liked better. I shredded it. Also shredded the sauced pork.

I mashed the beans and then heated up some tortillas.
I liked the baked pork better but Jeff liked the sauce pork better.
We put some pork into a tortilla then topped it with beans, lettuce, homemade salsa, cheese, onions and green pepper. My first attempt at carnitas was a success!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

My dogs are funny



Why do people drive really crazy and jeopardize others' lives?
Why do people gossip and talk behind other peoples' backs?
Why do people tease but in a mean way?
Why aren't people happy about other peoples' accomplishments?
Why can't people change the toilet paper roll?
Why can't people take a joke?
Why do people micromanage?
Why can't people accept people as they are?
Why can't people accept their bodies as they are?
Why do people lie?
Why do people not realize the consequences of their actions?
Why can't people spell?
Why do people blame others for their own mistakes?
Why do people bring others down?
Why don't people hug more? (I'm one of them)
Why don't people pay their bills.
Why doesn't anyone want to be accountable for the things they've done?

A bright spot. I walked into the office this morning and the new attorney was singing to an older pop song. It was great. I hope she didn't stop because of me. People laughing and singing are the highlights of life, aren't they?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


My new baby!! It's a BLAST to drive.  I brought it home and I was trying not to cry flying down the freeway with the top down!!


See that white Corolla in the background? We've had it 23 years and I had it hauled away today (10-7-13). We were the only owner and it was a great car. It had 63,000 miles and we had changed the timing belt, water pump etc at 60,000 miles not because it needed it but because it was a scheduled maintenance item. Then we parked it about a year later. It's sat for about 10 years. I was paid 200.00 cash for it. Bye Corolla!! You were a good car!!! I had some tears watching it being hauled away. Can you imagine how I'm going to feel about my dawgs when they pass?!! Fuck.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Supercalifragilistikexsbeealidocious! Third Charm-BPAL- A HUFFER!!!! I know I fucked up that whole word back there<< ....

Totally spelled wrong, I know. Don't care. Don't I have a previous post called this??? Heck if I remember.

Third Charm

Dark, dark amber in color.

In the vial: It's all patch and nag champa. There's also that cola smell. Like Coca-Cola.

Instant: Sweet on the hand. Honey and maple. WITH the patchouli.

2 min: Maybe some grasses or pines.
 Of course he wants a bone and he got to the fridge first!! 
Third Charm is gorgeous. Deep, heady, sweet, green........
Like taking a hippie through a pine forest. Taking a swig of whiskey. Then kissing a tree. Taking a swig of whiskey, then dry humping a tree.
The green sticky tree scent clings to your clothes. You light a joint. A good friend throws a blanket over you to keep you from going "wrong." Out goes the doobie. But you're still enveloped by the woodsy, sugary pine.
Third Charm is amazing. Totally amazing. I could huff this all day.
 What's in this? There's magic afoot: fiery red musk, luminous elemi, East Indian patchouli, champaca flower, cedar incense, ho wood, and hemlock accord sweetened with a peculiar sweet honey.
What the pffft is elemi??  Wiki:Elemi resin is a pale yellow substance, of honey-like consistency. Aromatic elemi oil is steam distilled from the resin. It is a fragrant resin with a sharp pine and lemon-like scent.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Things I am afraid to make

Molten Lava Cake
Angel Food Cake
Duck Confit

Things I'm NOT afraid to make and probably have. *The x in front means I haven't.

Beef Tongue
Asian food
Duck Burgundy
Red Beans and Rice
*Dim Sum
Cold Vietnamese Spring Rolls
Pork Brains
*Rocky Mountain Oysters (bull testicles)
Frog Legs
*Any game: rabbit, quail, pheasant, deer (I'd need a recipe, I aint gonna lie!) My mom made the best quail and pheasant. A nice light coating, with the perfect amount of seasoning. She was a pretty darn good cook.
Okay I've made deer and rabbit but I messed them up. Therefore they don't count. ;)

Pink Rum Pink Rum

Ever see that movie The Shining? When the little kid says, "Redrum, Redrum!" Which is murder backwards. Well, my word is Pink Rum! Pink Rum!
I bought this Rum Punch bag. Dayum! Is it strong! Gah!

I have to cut it with Sunkist Diet lemonade pop. Makes me giggly. hehe

I know, the pic is horrible, but I'm not taking another. I have the fixin's for my cioppino ready!

I've decided to use some tarragon too. Vidalia onion, leek, homegrown tomatoes, basil, bay leaf and oregano. I have some chicken granules to enhance the broth. That store bought broth is the bomb but I want a more intense flavor for this so I will add a tablespoon or so. I also have some fresh flat leaf parsley that I need to go out and cut. Jeff bought a baguette and that's the stock pot I plan to make it in. I'm also going to use seasoned pepper. I love that Lawry's Seasoned Pepper and use it just about in everything I make now.
The seafood.

The onions. 1/2 large, chopped. 

Olive oil and butter. 2 tblsp each

Red pepper flakes and garlic..6 cloves and to taste.

Leeks and Lawry's Seasoned Pepper. Slice leek down middle. Wash and use 1/2. Diced. Generous sprinkle of seasoned pepper.

Chicken granules. 1 tblsp 
 3 allspice seeds

Crisp up.
One bay leaf. Continue to crisp.

Tarragon and basil already in pot. 1 tsp tarragon, 1 tblsp basil.
 In the hand is oregano. I rolled it between my palms as I added it.

Cheap ass wine!!

Tomatoes. That's just two of those itty bitty things!

Continue to brown.
Fresh parsley. I almost wanted to put in only at the last minute for the freshness but I felt this broth needed it to cook a bit and blend in.
Tomatoes and clams first. Cooked a bit. Then mussels. Cooked a bit. Tasted and it was slightly fishy. Added a box of beef stock. Also a 28 oz can of crushed tomatoes. I know!! I had to counteract the fishiness though. Now I know why there is tomatoes in it. LOL The crushed tomatoes were perfect. It basically disappeared but thickened and added substance. It still wasn't all that tomatoey. I think I did good!

I also popped in a slightly dehydrated jalapeno pepper that I'd picked about 2 weeks ago and had tossed into the fridge. Then I added the shrimp, scallops and cod.

Add a pat of butter to an empty bowl. Add the broth and seafood. Viola!! 
 The fish in it was the best. Jeff liked the fish too.
Jeff said, "It's pretty good."   Snoopy dance!
Tomorrow I am making carnitas. Authentic pork carnitas. Rick Bayless made them on his show and they looked really good. No seasoning either, just salt. Intriguing!


4 pounds bone-in pork shoulder roast, cut into 1 1/2- to 2-inch slabs


1.   Moist cooking.   Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Cut each slab of pork in half and lay the pieces in a baking dish (they should fit into a 13 x 9-inch baking dish without being crowded).  Liberally sprinkle with salt (about 1 teaspoon) on all sides.  Pour 1/3 cup water around the meat, cover tightly with foil, and bake for 1 hour.

2.   Dry cooking.   Raise the oven temperature to 450 degrees.  Uncover the meat and cook until the liquid has completely reduced and only the rendered fat remains, about 30 minutes.  Now, roast, carefully turning the meat every 7 or 8 minutes, until lightly browned, about 20 minutes longer.  Break the meat into large pieces and serve on a warm platter, sprinkled with salt.

^^^^ That's from his website. Thanks Rick! I can do that! I am also making authentic El Salvadorian red beans. Thanks, Sharon (co-worker), for the recipe! I'm also going to tackle making my own tortillas. I have to go soak my beans!
Later: 1 lb small red beans are soaking in a bowl with 1 sliced onion, 1 tblsp onion powder, 1 tblsp garlic salt, 1 tblsp Mexican oregano and chicken granules. 
Sharon's recipe had onion salt (I used onion powder) and one chicken bouillon cube. I used granules to equal a cube.