Friday, June 10, 2016

Wow, what's it been

months? Year? Been a while.

Don't get your hopes up, I'm not feeling very writey.

During cancer treatment some things stuck with me in a bad way, but others didn't get bad at all.

I play a game on my iphone called Word Seek. I found it when I was staying at the Hope Lodge. The music it plays brings up bad memories of the ill feeling, the mucus in my mouth, brushing my teeth every 20 minutes, losing a portion of my hair, the infections, the loss of taste, and the losing control of my life,  but I still play. LOL

When I would get my radiation treatments, I'd hear Kings of Leon. And it was always the exact same songs every time. Even with that, there are no memories with their music that bring back anything bad. Not like Word Seek. Isn't that weird? I find that weird. It's probably because their music is the greatest. Sub-par word to describe it, but it fits.

Found out Sunday my SIL loves Kings of Leon too. Makes life extra super special when someone 'gets' what you get.

Know what I think is funny? Cats named Betty. So far I've heard of two. My sister's cat and a co-worker's daughter's. OMG what's the correct punctuation for that sentence? Christ I about had a coronary typing that last part out.

I love dreams.

No I'm not on opioids. LOL Sounds like it though, doesn't it? ;)