Monday, January 27, 2014

Dumbest thing said

so far on The Bachelor.

Said by Claire. They were going to South Korea. She tells the other girls, "I don't even have a kimono!"




Here's your sign!!!

Dump that phony ass dumb bitch while you can Juan Pablo!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Bad week

Not only did my baby girl die but our kitchen fridge was on the blink. We pulled it out and cleaned it (the coils) so let's see how long this sucker lasts. We already replaced the deep freeze and spare fridge last summer.

Plus I'm really, really tired of freaking irresponsible people. I won't name names but it's not my husband.

I'm also tired of fucking stupid fucking drivers. That's what I call them.



I'm taking a vacation Feb 10th thru 14th so I'm not popping people's heads off like a dandelion. I gotta get away!!

Doubt it helps but at least I have a week's reprieve.

Today I watched a Leaf Race across the top of our pool. We are having 40 mile an hour wind gusts and the pool cover is covered by ice. We no longer put that big pillow under the cover because they tend to leak all the air out by spring anyway. So now we save 30 bucks.

Today for lunch I am making Spicy Asian Whisky Wings. My own recipe gathered from a bunch of recipes. The whiskey/bourbon is my idea.

14 or 15 chicken wings
3 tbls butter or margarine
1 large clove garlic, minced
1/2 inch fresh ginger, grated
1/2 cup honey
1 tbls balsamic vinegar
1 tbls sriracha sauce
1 tbls dark brown sugar
1 tbls whiskey

First I put the frozen wings on a metal grate in a cake pan and cooked them at 375 for an hour. I used the grate so they wouldn't be wet from their own juices while they cooked.
Then I melted the butter in saucepan and added the garlic. I cooked it until the garlic lost it's intense fresh flavor, maybe 4 minutes, then added the ginger and cooked for another 2 minutes.
Then I added the rest of the ingredients and cooked on the lowest heat for 5 minutes. I watched it the whole time and swirled it so it wouldn't burn. Then I turned it off and let it sit on the stove. It will stick to the wings a lot better if cooled. Then I put the wings in a bowl and poured the sauce over them and stirred them around. I actually put the bowl into the fridge to cool it all down to make it sticky! Then back into a 325 oven for 15 minutes. Yum!!

Wings on the grate in the oven.
The butter and garlic.

The ginger and the grater I used. I just grated it over the pan.

The honey.

The whole shebang.

A gift to my husband from a cool customer.

 I have to make spicy stuff like this when Jeff isn't home because he'd never eat it. Actually, he'd bitch about eating it, try it, like it, then admit it was pretty good but could have been less spicy. Sigh. He just doesn't get it, does he?

Wow was this good!!! The bourbon just set it all off too. I'm going to have to submit this to allrecipes.

Ellen didn't host her show yesterday. They said she had the flu. I've never known her to do this so I hope she is okay. Get well, Ellen!!!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

And another life is gone.....

Cindy passed away at 10:15 this morning. I bawled for 6 minutes then called Jeff.

I miss her already.

Some things about Cindy Woo.
She was found on the top of a telephone pole 14 years ago. She'd been there for a minimum of 3 days.
She always wanted me to hold her in my arms like a baby upside down with her back along my right arm.
I held her like this for hours for years every night while I watched TV. She'd stretch her front arms out and knead my face.
Once computers came into play I had to roll her into my shirt and had to make sure I wore long shirts that I could pull up around her body to hold her up.
If I made my lips into a pucker she'd raise her head up and touch her lips to mine in a kiss. Every time.
She was a vent ho. Always sleeping in front of a heat vent in the winter.
She was spayed before I got her.
I never had to take her to the Vet.
She had to eat canned cat food on the bread board. We had to pull it out for her to sit/eat on.
I bought a baby body hammock that I carried her around in. She loved being swaddled.
Every night for years, she'd come to the couch when I was watching TV and stare at me until I pulled her into my arms and swaddled her. If I didn't realize she was there, she'd sit there for however long it took me to see her, sometimes quite a long time.
She'd beat up the other cats when I'd give them all catnip. It made her very ferocious.
When I got her she had two massive 4 inch thick mats on each side of her body that took me 4 days to cut off with scissors. She never bit me once. When I was done it looked like she had a Mohawk.
She never bit the whole 15 years we had her.
She never pottied outside the litterbox.
She loved being kissed on the face, ears and eyes.

Friday, January 17, 2014


My precious Cindy is going to die probably tonight. She started sleeping in the bathroom about a month ago. She'd never done that. Slowly she's failed. I came home early today because she is in the final stages. This has happened so fast and I am devastated. She's been the best cat. She's never even pottied outside the litterbox her whole life.
She stopped eating yesterday and was cold and rigid last night when I got home from work. Her body is shutting down. I love her so much. My manager has been out since Wednesday and I do her emails and other work when she is gone so I couldn't call in. I was praying all day to Cindy to hang on until I could get home. I don't want her to die alone. Plus she is deaf and blind and even more isolated within herself. I keep touching her to let her know I am here. My bestest baby girl is leaving me and I am going to miss her too much. Too too much.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Blither Blather

The safe word's Foxhole!

Walt's a lucky guy, you are such a good person.

Yeah I am watching 'Identity Thief'. Again. First time I saw it I thought it sucked.  Second time was a lot better and the third.......AWESOME!!  LOL

Let me switch channels.
'French Kiss' with Meg Ryan.

Ava's ripping off sewer smelling farts today. I just got another blast. JFC!

Charlie found another God-dess. I love Kevin Kline in this movie. I love him better in the movie 'Life As A House'.

That movie made me cry.

Ever buy beef jerky and hold it back from your dawgs. They know you have it but are good and don't bring it up.

Put the beef jerky, opened, on the comp table.

Make sure whiffs of it drift over to where they're laying. They look furtively over their shoulder.

The kiss and music in the train car scene are pretty pathetic.

Fester, fester, rot, rot, rot.



My eyes are buggin' out.

Let's calm down with a bpal review, okay?

Label is white, oil is white. White.


In the vial: headshop oils-ozone-Smoke-gonesh incense-candy-tarts.

On the hand: all candy lemony getting more lemon as it dries, bright and clear.

What's in this? Rhododendron and bellflower petals swirl through deep, cool, dark aquatic notes.

That's it. Aquatic. Not lemon. Gorgeous.

Big Bottle Winner.

Life's Joys

Jumping into bed with two lovable German Shepherds and a fat orange cat who purrs so loud that it lulls all of us into a nap.

Bringing my Miata out of hibernation and whizzing down the freeway with the top down in 70 degree weather. Zoooom!

Finding a new BPAL oil that satisfies all my inner longings.

A Lush bath.

Finding a recipe online and realizing I have all the ingredients, making it for the first time, and it's fabulous.

A Friday night.

Seeing our crabapple tree in full bloom.

Christmas lights.

A great margarita.

The French Quarter.


Watching Beaches while it's raining.

Watching Under the Tuscan Sun anytime.

Tossing unsalted peanuts in the shell out the front door for the squirrels and blue jays.

Praying to God and it works. (Never failed yet)

Listening to my younger brother tell a story because he's a hoot.

Keeping a plant alive longer than two years. I have 3 right now. The rest- DEAD.


Sam and Gabe's Restaurant.

Our King Ranch F-150, 6 years old with 37,000 miles and remote start. I love my truck. LOVE MY TRUCK!

Making wreaths.


Making a stranger laugh.



My best friend. Named Lori too.

Her daughter's handmade jewelry.


Vacationing in a cabin with the dogs.

Frogs and toads.

Earthworms too.

A new pair of fashion boots.

When I look all schleppy and my husband thinks I'm sexy.

A nice message/discussion board. Some can be mean! Shameful!