Friday, December 22, 2017

And the eat goes on.....

yeah, I'm eating more now. I can eat ribeye steaks rare to med rare. That's how I used to eat them anyway so it's all good.
I can eat hot Italian sausage again! It used to be too hot. The radiation in my mouth made it super sensitive, in fact the first 6 months after treatment I couldn't even eat black pepper sprinkled on food. I can't tell you how disappointed I was not being able to eat hot foods. That was literally quite devastating to me. I mean, I used to go into Chinese food restaurants and order 5 star hotness. They'd look at me and say, 5 stah!? And I'd say, yeah, 5 Stah! LOL I actually won an award by eating a thai meal called Angry Dish once. I got a certificate in the mail because I had ate it all. I swear to GOD the next day my butthole hurt when I went to the bathroom.

Tonight I am making homemade pizza and onion rings. If you want THE BEST onion ring recipe then google Ina Garten's recipe. My little brother told me about it and that's all I use anymore. Follow the directions exactly. Don't add more corn meal like I did once. NOT THE SAME! Stick to the recipe. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Certainly NOT a water babe

Lucy (unlike Stark) doesn't like the hose. But she sure likes baths, um, as long as they're with ME! Go figure. ROFLMAO!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


A bird died in my hands this morning. I went outside with the dogs around 6am to feed the pond fish and this black bird was on the ground. It tried to dash away. I could tell it couldn't fly. So I picked it up. It was gasping. It was 80 degrees and humid so I assumed it was overheated so I brought it in. I could hear little squeaks in it's chest when it breathed. I put it by the air vent because the air was blowing. Didn't help. Then I wondered if it was hungry because it kind of seemed like a baby bird wanting food. As I was trying one handed to get the bread open, the milk out (to soak the bread) , it's head fell to the side and it died.

I didn't cry, surprisingly. I felt bad though. I wish I could have saved it.

I googled gasping birds and found that it was probably a respiratory ailment.

I told my husband and he says, "I hope it's not the bird flu."

That'd be ironic wouldn't it. Me dying of bird flu instead of this lurking to come out cancer in my tissues......

Friday, March 17, 2017

Lucy Sue -Crazy monster dawg from Hell

Okay okay. It needs said. New dawg is weird. She's funny, undisciplined, wild, a nut, silly, disobedient, and I just don't know if she'll ever change.

I sure hope so because she's getting big! She's almost as tall as the other two. Thank God she's weighs only about 60 lbs because she'd be bowling us over. She loves coming from behind and going through our legs. ALL THE TIME. I thought she'd stop once she got bigger but nope. It's quite startling when she does it because since she's coming up behind, we don't see her. I actually think she loves doing it. Makes us laugh and she likes that. She's the most ghetto dog too. If I'm on the recliner she'll jump into my lap in a split second. And she's not delicate about it. I am hoping as she gets heavier she won't do it.

She is so dejected when we discipline her that we just hate to do it, therefore she gets away with a lot. Isn't that how it always is? You discipline the first born kids then the youngest always get away with murder!? Well, that's how it is around here.
If we even look at her funny she thinks she's in trouble, and her ears go back and she gets slinky and she gets into her crate. 85% of the time that she thinks she's in trouble she isn't.

And don't stare at her. She hates it. Freaks OUT! She'll scream, literally SCREAM! if you stare at her too long. It's really funny. So Jeff does it all the time to her. No wonder she's a rebel child.

She loves her crate. By this time the last two were out of theirs all day and roaming while we were at work. Oh no, not her. She even gets into it in the middle of the night. I personally think it because the cat can't get her to beat the shit out of her, but who knows. I can't trust her to be out while we're gone though. She'd destroy  everything. All my boots on shelves in the entranceway would be toast. So we're still crating her. We used to crate her at night but don't anymore, she chooses to be in it. The gate on it isn't even locked. She usually sleeps on the couch all night. She does need out once per night and wakes me up with short loud screams. But Stark likes going out then too so it's all good. They go back to sleep (usually her in the crate now) while I end up watching TV for three hours until I fall asleep again. sigh

She's really lovey. Loves kisses and attention. When I look at her and say, "I'm gonna give you some lubbins." she gets all gooey, submissive, and warm just waiting for me to come over to coddle her. But I swear she has ADD because she can't sit still while getting love. She has to squirm and lightly chew my hands, but I can tell she loves it. Even though she's is over energized most of the time and destroys things, we still feel she's going to turn into a good adult dog. We just hope she doesn't chew our faces off someday. LOL Yeah........we kinda think she's capable and I didn't know Jeff thought that until one day he nonchalantly said something along those lines. I said, "You think that too!!??" Yeah, she's a little off. Like Cuckoo's Nest off.

No lobotomy for my baby!!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Someone take these damn Kit Kats away from me!

Bah! Husband bought them for me. The effer. Bag of minis. So good. I've had 5 tonight. I'm going to be size 18 before long! I said that too, when I was on the feeding tube. I was so hungry and was feeding myself 3 to 4 Ensures a day, so I was dropping weight like crazy and starving in the meantime. All I did was watch the food network all day. And write down recipes. LOL Jeff gained 40 lbs while I lost 70. So I said I was going to get fat again, on purpose. I'm actually not but it sounds good.

Random dribble

Our puppy is selfish-- Really bad. If I pat the dog bed for Ava or Stark to lay on, Lucy DIVES for it. If I start to play ball with Stark, Lucy steals the ball. She's very high maintenance. Needs lots of attention. She eats everything too. Yesterday she ate brownies, short ribs, wasabi chex mix     
 mashed potatoes, and garlic bread. She eats bread like little kids eat cookies.

She's lovin life.

She's also weird. Totally ghetto. Came from a hoarders house. We feel we saved her, rescued her. Yeah, we're trying to believe that. Still. It's been 6 months and the idea is getting weaker and weaker.....  lol  Hahaha! She's such a dork, and an alpha submissive dog. Get your head around that. My husband knows what I mean.

She's ripped the shit out of the back yard. LITERALLY  Nothing is safe. She shredded the hammock, broke all my new pots for plants, dug about 15-long trench holes (we don't know why they aren't round), strewn through out the yard and desecrated whatever is in the recycle bin, and carries around tree limbs like they are prizes. We have one outside the back door on the stoop as I type. 3 inches round and 4 feet long. We can't trip on that. Of course not.

I want to paint my kitchen ceiling. The room is orange, so what color? Purple or blue? I'm torn. Light purple, dark purple, purple with sparkles? Light blue, sky blue, royal blue? See? I'm really, really torn on what color. Too many choices! And everything will look good! I already have a green ceiling in the living room, so no green.

I'm so glad Spring is coming. Once you've had cancer certain things mean more than others. I'm just glad I get to see another Spring. The smell of the wet ground and trees coming into bud is a smell that's truly amazing. Birds chirping fiercely. Waking me up at 4am. Yeah, give it to me good! My dog is an alpha submissive and I'm a pessimistic optimist.

The outside girl cat that we've been feeding for about 3 years hasn't been around for about a week. She was lame in her back right leg. I just hope she didn't suffer. We assume she's gone. Like dead. I hope not. I miss her. I relied on her being under the bushes along the front of the house. Waiting on her one or two cans of food everyday. I'd call her, "Baby Girl! Baby Girl!" and she'd meow. Then as I slid back into the house after putting the can on the ground, she'd hiss when she'd jump onto the stoop. Such a bitch kitty. She's missed.

Jeff is gone today at a show. Yay! I love being alone although I do like him a lot. LOL The secret to a good marriage? Like. Not love. You can love someone but not like them, and vice versa.

 Like is the secret! <<whispering that
 I like him. We can argue and I still like him. Arguments are laughed off. They're not that big of a deal. We don't harp. We don't nag. Want to get rid of someone? Nag them. Just nick pick the shit out of them. They'll leave. Eventually.

My mom was a nagger. A true nit pick. She hated every mess we made. I could be clean like that if I nitpicked. It's not worth it. Okay it's worth it when people stop by unannounced. Don't do that to me. I need at least three days a week before company. If you don't think I'm serious, then stop by. We have dogs, and 5 step and adopted children under the age of 14 living with us. I lied about that last part. We actually have 2 cats and 3 dogs. And two grown adults who can't pick up after themselves. So THAT equals 9 adopted children. Being truthful here.

I have to go. I need to clean.

Friday, February 3, 2017


I'm an independent. I didn't want either Trump or Hilary. (why his last name and her first? I don't know).
He's said some stupid shit.

But this crucifixion of him and his family needs to stop. He's our President. Give respect. I tweeted to him to please not say someone is disgusting. Please.

Make us proud.

If you can.

Tit for tat. Motto. ^^