Friday, February 1, 2013


My bath bombs worked!! They're magnificent! My first batch I also used cocoa butter and kaolin clay and they make my skin so soft. The second batch I also used Bentonite clay but I didn't really see any difference. It just turned the bath bomb gray, which I didn't care for. The last batch I just used baking soda and citric acid only--no cocoa butter or kaolin. I like the cocoa butter in them better. I also want to get some epsom salts to add.
I won some Cambienne from ebay. That's an oil made by Possets.
She starts with an oil in January every year, then each month adds to it another oil to change it. As the months go by the oil gets deeper and sexier. It's starts out light or grassy. Mine is from March 2007 so it's green smelling, and I love it! It's very fresh like a newly mowed meadow. I also get some moss within it at first but that leaves and it gets super green and vivid. Gosh it seems like so long since I did a review of anything!

Jeff's sister is still with us. I feel so bad for her. She's been a great sister in law to me. I just love her. I love my mother in law too. Couldn't have a better MIL. She'd do anything for us and leaves us alone and doesn't nag or try to tell us how to live. She's also laid back during holidays and makes mistakes and her house isn't immaculate. I LOVE THAT! My mom was anal about that so we could never really enjoy ourselves. Too busy trying not to make a mess. She could never relax. No wonder she died at 63. Sigh.

Tonight I am making flounder slightly coated with flour to make a flaky coating. Wish me luck, I've never made this before. I just found some really thin flounder fillets and I thought if I just patted them some seasoned flour and sauted them in some oil they'd be good. They are real thin so they should cook super fast. I'm making extra for the cats and dawgs, of course. I think my fillets will have cayenne, Jeff's not so much. LOL Wimp. Don't tell him I said that.  hehe

OMG I almost forgot! I bought new furniture!! Yeah, I ditched the cream colored couch and loveseat for a bright fricking red couch and reddish brown recliner!! Also got a new TV and TV stand. Here's some pics!

Well be getting rid of that black entertainment center as soon as I get the new computer desk. Then we will take everything apart to transfer it to the new entertainment center and new comp desk. I just hope hubby can figure out how to put it all back together again....LOL

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