Saturday, December 29, 2012

Funny story

OMG I had to post this.
Last night we went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. I ordered chicken flautas. It's shredded chicken with onions, green peppers, tomato and hot peppers placed onto flour tortilla then rolled up and deep fried. It's the first time I've ever had them and they are super good! I received three and had to bring
1 1/2 home because it was too much to eat.
So today I get them from the fridge and gave 1/2 of the half one to each dog.
So 1/4 of a whole one each. Ava, who doesn't like breads, proceeded to chew the meat out and left the small piece of tortilla on the floor between her legs. Stark, who likes breads, ate all of his. So I opened the whole flauta and dug the meat out and fed it to both dogs. Stark, I could tell, wanted the tortilla too, so I broke off pieces and fed it to him. When he was all done I pointed to Ava's tortilla still laying between her legs and said, "Ava has some", thinking she won't eat it, he might as well. Ava, who knows EVERYTHING we say, quickly darts and eats her tortilla!! bwahahahahahahah  OMG I am crying laughing at these crazy dogs I have. Even though she doesn't eat bread she sure as hell wasn't going to let him have it! Bwahahahahaha! Fricking funny dawgs. Gotta love them....LOL

This isn't a blind bpal pick, just one that I want to try because of it's deep color.


I would love to go to Egypt (not right now) but it's always been a dream of mine. I always wanted to see the pyramids and the Sphinx. I was into pyramid power a long time ago. My dad ran across it when he opened a head shop. I had pyramids in my room that I'd put small glasses of milk under and sure enough they never spoiled! It was weird.

This vial of Cairo is a beautiful reddish brown and dark and thick. Looks like molasses when I tilt the vial it moves so slow. I hope this is good.

I get somewhat of a rootbeer smell. Which reminds me, Missy!! I checked World Market last week  for Julmust and they didn't have any. I even asked a worker. Bah! I so wanted to try it. They did have some other ginger beers there but I didn't buy any.

Back to Cairo: I also smell some greenery amongst the beer. Wet on the hand this gets spicy. This is really different. I've never come across this smell in bpal before. Usually one bpal somewhat smells like another so I can cross reference but this is different. I smell spices. Like allspice or something to cook with that I can't pinpoint. I'm really liking it. It does remind me of incense too. It's not a deep smell either it's pretty lilty. A spicy flower. The rootbeer smell is gone.  I have to see what's in this! I love it!

The essence of holy Kyphi, beloved incense of the Egyptian Gods.

Hmm, not much of a description, eh? Most get lemongrass, yes I can see that in this. It still smells like a spice to cook with, I may have to dig out my indian spices and see if any fit the bill.

A keeper and a big bottle winner too. Yum!

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