Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lou Lou order

I got my Lou Lou goodies!! Woot!

She gave me as extras some bubblegum soap--smells just like Bubble Yum! No crap!! It has glitter in it too, she has no idea the monster's she born, does she.....hehehe

Also got a small vial of Addiction oil, and a small pot of solid perfume called Princesses & Playtime. I can tell I love that one already. Nicholette too. I also found amongst all my oils that I also have a bottle of her Mojito oil. It's super limey and I've never wore it yet. So I will have some reviewing to do!!

Tonight I am making Asian riblets. I'm making it up as I go along so bear with me. So far I have the riblets wrapped in foil in a 350 degree (f) oven and I sprinkled them with

Urban Accents' Ginger Szechwan blend, garlic powder, onion powder, ground ginger and some ground black pepper. Going to let them cook for 1 hour at 350 then I will turn it down to 250 for the rest of the cook time. I haven't decided yet what sauce to put on them yet. I know I am going to use hoisin and oyster sauce....but beyond that's a mystery. LOL
Like I said, bear with me.
Jeff's gonna crap his pants if I tell him what's on them. That's why I'm going to lie. Shhhh, ancient Chinese secret between you and me....

I'm going to peruse the net for Asian sauce recipes and blend my own. The Ginger Szechwan blend isn't spicy at all here's a link. Most people associate Szechwan with spicy...at least I do.  I love this company...


I bought a quinoa mix and I don't know what the hell to do with it! I stare at it when I'm in the pantry and try to think of ideas on what to do with it. So far, no good. bah! It's pretty to look at though. It really is. See?

Told ya.

Jeff's home now and hasn't asked what we're having. I need to come up with something soon though, I can feeeeeeeeeeel it.

Sticky Riblets.

That'll hold him for about 2.2 seconds. Sticky riblets with maple syrup and five spice powder. Guess I just figured out what else to add to the hoisin and oyster sauces, eh?

That reminds me. I want a waffle maker. I love waffles. Plus it's the perfect breakfast dish to get both of our diabetes all riled up! Growing old sucks if you like to eat but not exercise. bah! I'm not full blown diabetic yet but it's coming......

He just asked me what I'm cooking! Sticky riblets! What? Sticky riblets! What's that?

Ut oh.

He just came up behind me and says, "What are we having?" I say, "Sticky riblets."
He says, "Oh God." and walked away. ROFLMAO

I'm in some trouble here unless they come out really, really good!!


PS They were excellent!!

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