Friday, March 14, 2014

OMG where have I been !!???

Pffffffffffffft. Forgot I had a blog again. hehe

Not much happening here. Dead cat is still in my freezer until the ground thaws. What?! I didn't tell you that Cindy's in my freezer? yeah. Since January. Sick huh? Every time I open it I say Hi Cindy Woo. Actually it's the freezer we use the least considering we have 2 refrigerators and one tall freezer. We have a looooooooooooooooooot of food for two people. I think I'm a hoarder and it all stems from when me and Jeff were broke and had nothing. There was a time once that he broke his leg during a softball game ( he was first baseman) and the guy from the other team knew Jeff was going to get him out so he held his foot in the air as he was sliding so he could hit my husband's leg and knock him down. Knock him down hell...he broke his leg! Jeff couldn't work and I only worked part time making 100 bucks a week, and before work comp could kick in we had no money to buy food. We lived on peanut and jelly for three days and didn't even have any money to buy another loaf of bread. Jeff's mom must have figured it out because she came over with 2 paper bags (those old fashioned big ones-there wasn't plastic bags then!) full of food. OMG I about wept. She's just the best MIL ever. She leaves us alone too. Doesn't pry or tell us how to live. She's the greatest.

The ground this winter in DSM is frozen to a depth of 23 inches. They said it'll be May before it thaws and we could have a drought because the rainwater won't penetrate. Well, my Cindy Woo won't be penetrating either. pffffft She's in a box so it's not all that bad. That's what I keep telling myself. Poor thing.

Making homemade pizza again tonight. I tell ya....I make a mean pizza if I do say so myself.

And this is why I NEVER BATHE MY CATS!

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