Thursday, April 10, 2014

My husband

read my post the other day before I published it. The one about him being 185 lbs when I moved in with him. hehe
He says, "Why are you writing about me?" LOL

I told him I write about him all the time and normally I call him Wimpy Chicken Shit because he doesn't eat hot food. That shut him up. Hahahahaha
He actually didn't care. Which surprises me. He's a strong opinionated man but he knows he can't hold me down. I made sure of that years ago. I told him he can read my blog anytime he wants. He just doesn't want to. The only thing he reads is the newspaper, and the occasional magazine.

Blind pick from my bag of oils.

The Morbid The Merrier-Agatha

I got 9 from vials from this particular perfumer-The Morbid the Merrier. I know already by just smelling the vials that she's my kind of perfumer. Her oils are deep, unique and imaginative. I guess she's out of business now. I hope she comes back I'd like to have more of her oils.
Back to Agatha. It is in a dark brown vial so I don't know what color it is.
In the vial: pungent and earthy. Musky and musty. It also has an air of clean clothing floating in the breeze. Isn't that wild?! How can a perfume be clean breezy at the same time as deep and musky? I don't know but she's done it.
On the hand it's still the same, slightly sharp and smooth at the same time. This would be heavenly on a man. I doubt I can find the scent description anywhere. I tried goggling and nada. So sad.

Damn Pinterest is making me fatter and now I'm into mini gardening. OMG I don't need another addiction. I've bought all kinds of things for my mini gardens, fairies, elves, houses, bridges, animals, little bikes, wheelbarrows, gardening tools.....the list is crazy! It's not even warm enough to start making them yet! Someone ban me from Pinterest!!

The first things I do when I get home from work are to pull out the contacts, yank off the bra and PIN. No wonder my blog's being neglected! No I don't sit here in the nude and PIN, I do put sweats and a tshirt on. I'm beginning to think Maxine is my twin! She sums up exactly what I think on all subjects! That's scary!

I went to get Loo-Cee out tonight and she won't start! She's just clickin! We even started her a couple times this winter with no problem. Jeff's out there now charging the battery so we will have to take her out for 10-15 minutes tonight. Yippee!!

We're back now. I keep saying this but it's so true---THAT CAR'S A BLAST TO DRIVE!!! I'm putting our cat Winnie to sleep on Tuesday. I'm done with her pooping and peeing all over the house. She's in stage 4 renal failure and she's not happy. I haven't put a cat to sleep since 2003. I'm sad but can't wait to have a 'clean' house again. I'm going to have to scrub with boiling water after she's gone, I feel like. I know we've gone through a lot of 409 and Clorox in the last year or so. I should have bought stock in that company!

That's three cats we've lost in less than a year. Now we will only have Mojo. No more cats for us. When they get old they decide they can potty anywhere. Yuck. We had 13 at one time once. Eight adults and five kittens. I love cats but am just done with them.

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