Sunday, July 13, 2014

Spickin spoiled

We have spoiled dogs.
We have to cook a package of hot dogs if we grill out.
Otherwise they pout.
They eat 8 bags of dried chicken strips per month.
The big bags.
Cha-ching at $19.99 per bag.
That's conservative.
They also eat $60.00 bag of dog food.
Royal Canin for German Sheperds.
Lasts about 2 months.
Only because we give them hot dogs and chicken strips.
They get a new toy just about every time we go to a store.
I have to purge them about every 6 months.
Out goes the mangled toys.
Out goes the ripped toys.
Out goes the really dirty toys.
Out goes the really hairy toys.
Out goes the ones that no longer squeak.
Probably a good thing for them we buy one just about every shopping trip or they'd have no toys.
They do not treat their toys with respect.
We have probably 50 tennis balls scattered throughout the house and yard.
They also get raw marrow bones every day. I've limited them to 2 each since Da Man seems to like giving them a whole package.
Package cost: $6.00-$15.00 depending on size.
4 bones: $3.00
When I add all that up and include the steak, chicken, pork and other items from our plates, we're looking at roughly $300 per month just for the dogs.
Plus they are loved on just about every second of the day.
I see them lying on the floor and I cuddle with them.
I give them massages.
They get their own large kiddie pool every summer. (Stark eats them come Fall - sigh) Cha-ching $30.00.
They're allowed on the furniture.
We took them on vacation to South Dakota!
No wonder there's that saying, It's a dog's life!!

I wanna be one of mine!

 Ava with her head out the moonroof in The Black Hills

Stark acting like a King again. "Feed me, wench!"

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