Saturday, January 18, 2014

And another life is gone.....

Cindy passed away at 10:15 this morning. I bawled for 6 minutes then called Jeff.

I miss her already.

Some things about Cindy Woo.
She was found on the top of a telephone pole 14 years ago. She'd been there for a minimum of 3 days.
She always wanted me to hold her in my arms like a baby upside down with her back along my right arm.
I held her like this for hours for years every night while I watched TV. She'd stretch her front arms out and knead my face.
Once computers came into play I had to roll her into my shirt and had to make sure I wore long shirts that I could pull up around her body to hold her up.
If I made my lips into a pucker she'd raise her head up and touch her lips to mine in a kiss. Every time.
She was a vent ho. Always sleeping in front of a heat vent in the winter.
She was spayed before I got her.
I never had to take her to the Vet.
She had to eat canned cat food on the bread board. We had to pull it out for her to sit/eat on.
I bought a baby body hammock that I carried her around in. She loved being swaddled.
Every night for years, she'd come to the couch when I was watching TV and stare at me until I pulled her into my arms and swaddled her. If I didn't realize she was there, she'd sit there for however long it took me to see her, sometimes quite a long time.
She'd beat up the other cats when I'd give them all catnip. It made her very ferocious.
When I got her she had two massive 4 inch thick mats on each side of her body that took me 4 days to cut off with scissors. She never bit me once. When I was done it looked like she had a Mohawk.
She never bit the whole 15 years we had her.
She never pottied outside the litterbox.
She loved being kissed on the face, ears and eyes.

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