Monday, June 18, 2018

It's been a long long time.

I used to enjoy posting. Even if it was out into the air that no one read or cared about. That was okay. I could deal with that. Now....I never want to write. I totter between thinking no one reads this anyway, to who the fuck gives a shit, to I don't have the time, to why expose yourself like that. I really do.  Flip flop.  Flip flop action! Which reminds me. In Des Moines when I was growing up there was this Duane Ellett that had a hand puppet called Floppy. Floppy was a beagle. An almost all brown beagle. He was the rage to all 4 to 13 year olds.  He hosted a morning breakfast club show with a dog puppet. I have to admit. Duane and Floppy were where it was at. I got on his breakfast club show once. I had to read a Clark Bar commercial when it was my turn. During the commercial break I was told my lines. I knew I couldn't do it. When the camera fell on me all I could do was mumble. The lady on the show that did commercials with Duane and Floppy had to say my lines for me. Don't EVER invite me to a Tupperware party (or Fuckerware) and expect me to stand up, declare my name and tell you how I met the hostess or whatever the shit they have you do. Because I don't want to talk, I don't want to stand, and I don't want anyone looking at me, fuckers. LOL

There, I'm done. Goodnight.

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