Sunday, February 26, 2017

Random dribble

Our puppy is selfish-- Really bad. If I pat the dog bed for Ava or Stark to lay on, Lucy DIVES for it. If I start to play ball with Stark, Lucy steals the ball. She's very high maintenance. Needs lots of attention. She eats everything too. Yesterday she ate brownies, short ribs, wasabi chex mix     
 mashed potatoes, and garlic bread. She eats bread like little kids eat cookies.

She's lovin life.

She's also weird. Totally ghetto. Came from a hoarders house. We feel we saved her, rescued her. Yeah, we're trying to believe that. Still. It's been 6 months and the idea is getting weaker and weaker.....  lol  Hahaha! She's such a dork, and an alpha submissive dog. Get your head around that. My husband knows what I mean.

She's ripped the shit out of the back yard. LITERALLY  Nothing is safe. She shredded the hammock, broke all my new pots for plants, dug about 15-long trench holes (we don't know why they aren't round), strewn through out the yard and desecrated whatever is in the recycle bin, and carries around tree limbs like they are prizes. We have one outside the back door on the stoop as I type. 3 inches round and 4 feet long. We can't trip on that. Of course not.

I want to paint my kitchen ceiling. The room is orange, so what color? Purple or blue? I'm torn. Light purple, dark purple, purple with sparkles? Light blue, sky blue, royal blue? See? I'm really, really torn on what color. Too many choices! And everything will look good! I already have a green ceiling in the living room, so no green.

I'm so glad Spring is coming. Once you've had cancer certain things mean more than others. I'm just glad I get to see another Spring. The smell of the wet ground and trees coming into bud is a smell that's truly amazing. Birds chirping fiercely. Waking me up at 4am. Yeah, give it to me good! My dog is an alpha submissive and I'm a pessimistic optimist.

The outside girl cat that we've been feeding for about 3 years hasn't been around for about a week. She was lame in her back right leg. I just hope she didn't suffer. We assume she's gone. Like dead. I hope not. I miss her. I relied on her being under the bushes along the front of the house. Waiting on her one or two cans of food everyday. I'd call her, "Baby Girl! Baby Girl!" and she'd meow. Then as I slid back into the house after putting the can on the ground, she'd hiss when she'd jump onto the stoop. Such a bitch kitty. She's missed.

Jeff is gone today at a show. Yay! I love being alone although I do like him a lot. LOL The secret to a good marriage? Like. Not love. You can love someone but not like them, and vice versa.

 Like is the secret! <<whispering that
 I like him. We can argue and I still like him. Arguments are laughed off. They're not that big of a deal. We don't harp. We don't nag. Want to get rid of someone? Nag them. Just nick pick the shit out of them. They'll leave. Eventually.

My mom was a nagger. A true nit pick. She hated every mess we made. I could be clean like that if I nitpicked. It's not worth it. Okay it's worth it when people stop by unannounced. Don't do that to me. I need at least three days a week before company. If you don't think I'm serious, then stop by. We have dogs, and 5 step and adopted children under the age of 14 living with us. I lied about that last part. We actually have 2 cats and 3 dogs. And two grown adults who can't pick up after themselves. So THAT equals 9 adopted children. Being truthful here.

I have to go. I need to clean.

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