Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
A saved post from a week ago!!
We watched the movie 'We're the Miller's' tonight.
It was pretty good. I wasn't expecting that. In some places it was stupid or predictable, but overall it was gosh dang good!
I love it when Jennifer Anniston mouths, "Fuck you." It's so unlike her persona. So Jennifer Anniston? If you're reading this, keep making movies where you cuss like a banshee!! HA!
Sears has this new commercial and the floors are glowing gold squares that ripple with light. I want this floor through my whole house. No crap. Special effects that only come on when you want it. Otherwise it's just normal looking bricks during the day.
I'd love to make a sitcom. Be an actor in a sitcom. But I could never get over the stage fright. I suck in crowds. Never used to.
I can't sing worth shit either. Can't stay in tune even if I was paid.
Urd (bpal)
Florally, smells feminine so far in the vial. Nice.
It's somewhat lackluster on the skin wet. So far anyway. Has somewhat of a doctor's office smell but not a mediciney one. Smells like a glade air freshner to me. LOL Is there apple in here? Again I smell violets. LOL Maybe I should say that every time I smell a new one, seems to be the one scent I keep mentioning. bah...
It's getting stronger now. Wow A lot stronger. Something deep is coming to play with the apples and violets.
What's in it: Muscadine, black and red patchouli, cereus and nag champa.
The nag is way in the background. I have to google muscadine and cereus.
Muscadine is a grape plant and cereus is a cactus. Is that my apples (cereus) and violets (muscadine) that I smell. Hmmph. Never heard of them or if I've ever smelled them before.
This (because the nag is coming on now) reminds me of a hippie perfume. I'm thinking I'm liking it. I like the ones I can apply once then you can smell them all day without having to reapply.
It's a keeper.
It was pretty good. I wasn't expecting that. In some places it was stupid or predictable, but overall it was gosh dang good!
I love it when Jennifer Anniston mouths, "Fuck you." It's so unlike her persona. So Jennifer Anniston? If you're reading this, keep making movies where you cuss like a banshee!! HA!
Sears has this new commercial and the floors are glowing gold squares that ripple with light. I want this floor through my whole house. No crap. Special effects that only come on when you want it. Otherwise it's just normal looking bricks during the day.
I'd love to make a sitcom. Be an actor in a sitcom. But I could never get over the stage fright. I suck in crowds. Never used to.
I can't sing worth shit either. Can't stay in tune even if I was paid.
Urd (bpal)
Florally, smells feminine so far in the vial. Nice.
It's somewhat lackluster on the skin wet. So far anyway. Has somewhat of a doctor's office smell but not a mediciney one. Smells like a glade air freshner to me. LOL Is there apple in here? Again I smell violets. LOL Maybe I should say that every time I smell a new one, seems to be the one scent I keep mentioning. bah...
It's getting stronger now. Wow A lot stronger. Something deep is coming to play with the apples and violets.
What's in it: Muscadine, black and red patchouli, cereus and nag champa.
The nag is way in the background. I have to google muscadine and cereus.
Muscadine is a grape plant and cereus is a cactus. Is that my apples (cereus) and violets (muscadine) that I smell. Hmmph. Never heard of them or if I've ever smelled them before.
This (because the nag is coming on now) reminds me of a hippie perfume. I'm thinking I'm liking it. I like the ones I can apply once then you can smell them all day without having to reapply.
It's a keeper.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Not so blind pick
It's a bpal. Reddish gold in color.
It has that soda pop smell. Smells just like a newly opened cold can of Coke. I'm also smelling a floral and maybe some licorice.
On the hand: More pop and flowers. Just a teensy bit musky. As it dries the floral is taking the lead. It's a nice floral...like a violet or lilac. Some amber's starting to break through too. This is a middle of the road scent. Nicely floral with some ambery musk. The more it dries the sweeter it gets too. honey?
What's in this?
The God of Sexual Desire, Longing and Yearning; an attendant of Eros and Aphrodite. A passion-rousing blend of juniper, sandalwood, rosewood, red musk, orchid, bergamot and lilac.
I'm stoked that I got the lilac, that's a difficult scent to detect in a bpal. I'm liking this but it's not a big bottle winner.
Never heard of Himerus and Eros before. I love it when my posts turns me on to a new group.
It's a bpal. Reddish gold in color.
It has that soda pop smell. Smells just like a newly opened cold can of Coke. I'm also smelling a floral and maybe some licorice.
On the hand: More pop and flowers. Just a teensy bit musky. As it dries the floral is taking the lead. It's a nice floral...like a violet or lilac. Some amber's starting to break through too. This is a middle of the road scent. Nicely floral with some ambery musk. The more it dries the sweeter it gets too. honey?
What's in this?
The God of Sexual Desire, Longing and Yearning; an attendant of Eros and Aphrodite. A passion-rousing blend of juniper, sandalwood, rosewood, red musk, orchid, bergamot and lilac.
I'm stoked that I got the lilac, that's a difficult scent to detect in a bpal. I'm liking this but it's not a big bottle winner.
Never heard of Himerus and Eros before. I love it when my posts turns me on to a new group.
The way life works
I'm debating on what to have for lunch.
Leftover spaghetti and meatballs, chicken fried rice, steamed Sui Mai, korean chicken wings, spicy fried catfish, wild rice soup.....all things my husband would never eat so I have to take advantage and have them while he's working. I love Saturdays. And no I do not miss him.
I made a conscious choice not to have children. Never wanted any. It took me 4 years to convince my husband he didn't want them either. The deciding factor? When his sister had a kid.
We've never regretted it. In fact we're really super glad we never had any.
I did the same thing with smoking. Both parents smoked and 2 siblings. I just kept putting it off thinking someday I would. I finally hit the age of 20 and realized I'd never start. I'm really super glad I never smoked. My mom died at 63 from emphysema, my smoking brother got squamous cancer of the throat at the age of 44 and my smoking sister got kidney cancer at the age of 51.
I'll be the first to die though. Isn't that the way life works?
I had a dream once with Jason Segal in it. He was naked. I think the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall brought it on. So I've been watching the Twilight movies so maybe I'll dream of Robert Pattinson. So far, no luck. That's the way life works too.
I recently watched the movie Seven Psychopaths. Crazy ass good. I loved the irony and comedic tones in this murderous dark movie. It reminds me of something Tarantino would write. Pay close attention if you watch it and also be sure to watch the credits....there's more. I'm watching it again right now for the second time.
Leftover spaghetti and meatballs, chicken fried rice, steamed Sui Mai, korean chicken wings, spicy fried catfish, wild rice soup.....all things my husband would never eat so I have to take advantage and have them while he's working. I love Saturdays. And no I do not miss him.
I made a conscious choice not to have children. Never wanted any. It took me 4 years to convince my husband he didn't want them either. The deciding factor? When his sister had a kid.
We've never regretted it. In fact we're really super glad we never had any.
I did the same thing with smoking. Both parents smoked and 2 siblings. I just kept putting it off thinking someday I would. I finally hit the age of 20 and realized I'd never start. I'm really super glad I never smoked. My mom died at 63 from emphysema, my smoking brother got squamous cancer of the throat at the age of 44 and my smoking sister got kidney cancer at the age of 51.
I'll be the first to die though. Isn't that the way life works?
I had a dream once with Jason Segal in it. He was naked. I think the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall brought it on. So I've been watching the Twilight movies so maybe I'll dream of Robert Pattinson. So far, no luck. That's the way life works too.
I recently watched the movie Seven Psychopaths. Crazy ass good. I loved the irony and comedic tones in this murderous dark movie. It reminds me of something Tarantino would write. Pay close attention if you watch it and also be sure to watch the credits....there's more. I'm watching it again right now for the second time.
Now for some reason I'm not hungry.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
How to paint a blue sky world
I painted our bedroom sky blue with clouds. In 2005. The theme is Jimmy Buffett with hanging lanterns, parrots, beach scenes etc. My house is so cheap. I love it. LOL
I am watching The Conjuring. Fucking music is freaking me out the most with this movie.
The first thing wrong with the movie is that they find this boarded up secret cellar room. Five minutes later he's in the same cellar room telling the wife that he's going to try to get the furnace going and she says, Yeah it's cold in here. Okay their furnace for the house is in a secret cellar that was found by two of the daughters playing and one of their elbows knocks a hole in the wall. Wouldn't you have been looking at the house to buy it and saying.....Hey, where's the furnace to this old house? Wouldn't your hired professional home inspector have found the cellar?? Yeah, I can't get on board this bad hack at a scary movie. Some key parts in the movie were played by less than good actors, so that added to the unbelievableness. Yep, new word?, I just made it up. I loved the music though.
Now I am watching Monty Python's Holy Grail.
He must be a King.
Because he hasn't got shit all over him.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Haaaaaaaaaa!
Shut Up!
You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you.
How do you know she is a witch?
Well she turned me into a newt.
A newt?
I got better.
Burn her anyway!
Rachel Welch needs to write a book and tell her beauty secrets. Have you seen her lately? She's like 70-ish and looks incredible. That's a lot of work. I mean for her. She worked at it and it paid off, and she had good advice, great plastic surgeons, and/or just innately knew what worked, or has good genes.
I have my Christmas lights on, along the ceiling.
I am watching The Conjuring. Fucking music is freaking me out the most with this movie.
The first thing wrong with the movie is that they find this boarded up secret cellar room. Five minutes later he's in the same cellar room telling the wife that he's going to try to get the furnace going and she says, Yeah it's cold in here. Okay their furnace for the house is in a secret cellar that was found by two of the daughters playing and one of their elbows knocks a hole in the wall. Wouldn't you have been looking at the house to buy it and saying.....Hey, where's the furnace to this old house? Wouldn't your hired professional home inspector have found the cellar?? Yeah, I can't get on board this bad hack at a scary movie. Some key parts in the movie were played by less than good actors, so that added to the unbelievableness. Yep, new word?, I just made it up. I loved the music though.
Now I am watching Monty Python's Holy Grail.
He must be a King.
Because he hasn't got shit all over him.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Haaaaaaaaaa!
Shut Up!
You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you.
How do you know she is a witch?
Well she turned me into a newt.
A newt?
I got better.
Burn her anyway!
Rachel Welch needs to write a book and tell her beauty secrets. Have you seen her lately? She's like 70-ish and looks incredible. That's a lot of work. I mean for her. She worked at it and it paid off, and she had good advice, great plastic surgeons, and/or just innately knew what worked, or has good genes.
To paint a room sky blue with clouds.
First pick a good sky blue. Not too bright, not too dark, a true sky blue that's easy on the eyes. Paint the whole room blue, including the ceiling.Then take a faux sheep's wool car washing mitt and get it wet. Then press the end into some white paint with glaze. Two parts glaze, one part white.You want the paint minutely on the end of the mitt. After dipping the end into the paint, rub the mitt onto an empty plastic paint tray to get the paint lighter and mixed on the mitt. You want to create swirling cloud mists all over the room. Very lightly. If you need to dip the end in water again then swirl again, then do it. Start close to the floor and do a test swipe. Makes wave like motions. Is it light enough to look like wispy clouds? If not you need to rub the mitt end onto the paint tray again. If it is, then makes some swipes and keep moving across the wall. Once the swipes are perfectly light, then you want to do the main focal area of the wall, which is about 5 feet and up. You'll get the hang of it after awhile and create perfect cloud swirls all over every wall. Make sure that in some places you take the swipe on the wall and pull it onto the ceiling. This way it'll look like once continuous sky and not 4 walls and a ceiling.
Now add some more white paint to the paint mixture. Just enough so that the clouds you will be making are opaque in spots, yet have grayed edges so they don't look like comic book clouds. Dip the end of the damp mitt into the paint again, smoosh onto the paint tray to blend, and start dotting it onto the wall. Remember no clouds are identical or perfect so go to town and make all kinds of shapes and sizes. Be sure to not make them exactly the same distance apart (a mistake I made), otherwise that will look fake too. The wispy clouds will tone down the blue and make it look a little more believable. I've been meaning to create some winged birds amongst the clouds but haven't gotten around to it. If you're really artistic, get some gray paint and add storm clouds on one wall. I'd graduate the white paint with the gray to create multilayered clouds. I think that'd be cool.
OMG Where the fuck have I been????!!!
No where.
No seriously. No where. I just forgot I had a blog, that's all. Call it pre-menopause, old age, blonde-ness. Hmmmpff. Don't know.
I didn't even THINK about my blog the last few days. I think I'm pre-senile.
Pre-alzheimerish. Yeah, that's a new word too. Just made it up.
Here's the Des Moines news the last 7 days.
A week ago a man was seen eating rocks a block from my old high school. Some kids saw him eating rocks and asked him what he was doing and he said he'd lost his meth. I'm still not sure whether he was eating the rocks hoping one was the meth rock or was eating the rocks because he was wigged out on meth. Here's the story:
Police found a man eating rocks and talking about methamphetamine while accompanied by two small children in a park near a Des Moines high school, officials said.
Students at Lincoln High School spotted Michael David Sutton, 35, of Des Moines, in nearby McRae Park around 1:30 p.m. Monday, police reports show. They told a school resource officer Sutton, who was with two children, was eating rocks and talking about meth.

Officers reportedly found Sutton standing in the road, eating something off the ground.
The officer pulled up next to Sutton and asked what he was eating, authorities said
“Rocks,” Sutton reportedly responded.
The officer asked Sutton if he thought it was odd to be eating rocks, police reports show.
“Well, they are small rocks,” Sutton said, according to police reports.
Sutton said he was leaving, got in a car with the two boys, ages 4 and 5, and began to drive away, authorities said. The car didn’t have working brake lights and officers pulled Sutton over.
They found a meth pipe in his pocket and Sutton admitted to using meth the night before. He said he could still feel the effects.
Sutton was arrested and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, two counts of child endangerment, two counts of failing to secure a child, failure to have a valid license or insurance, operating a non-registered vehicle and having an improper rear lamp.
He remains in the Polk County Jail on a $6,119 bond.
The boys were taken to their mother.
Okay.......we can deal with that story.....then...a couple days ago, in the same neighborhood (or really close -like a few blocks) a man was shot because he was shooting at people driving by. He also shot at the police. Here's that story:
A Des Moines man armed with a semi-automatic rifle terrified a south-side neighborhood Wednesday afternoon, as he fired dozens of bullets from his yard at houses and passing vehicles before turning his weapon on police arriving on the scene.
Bullets shattered windows in vehicles, hit houses and injured a passerby. Nearby Lincoln High School was briefly locked down as police swarmed the area.
Two officers exchanged gunfire with the suspect in front of the white bungalow-style house at 1018 Creston Ave. The gunman suffered at least one bullet wound; he was transported to a local hospital. Police declined to say how the gunman was wounded.
Well, he died. He also had 60 animals living in his house. 57 birds (2 were dead), 4 cats and a python.
Do you think losing two birds made a shooter out of him?
No seriously. No where. I just forgot I had a blog, that's all. Call it pre-menopause, old age, blonde-ness. Hmmmpff. Don't know.
I didn't even THINK about my blog the last few days. I think I'm pre-senile.
Pre-alzheimerish. Yeah, that's a new word too. Just made it up.
Here's the Des Moines news the last 7 days.
A week ago a man was seen eating rocks a block from my old high school. Some kids saw him eating rocks and asked him what he was doing and he said he'd lost his meth. I'm still not sure whether he was eating the rocks hoping one was the meth rock or was eating the rocks because he was wigged out on meth. Here's the story:
Police found a man eating rocks and talking about methamphetamine while accompanied by two small children in a park near a Des Moines high school, officials said.
Students at Lincoln High School spotted Michael David Sutton, 35, of Des Moines, in nearby McRae Park around 1:30 p.m. Monday, police reports show. They told a school resource officer Sutton, who was with two children, was eating rocks and talking about meth.
Michael David Sutton
The officer pulled up next to Sutton and asked what he was eating, authorities said
“Rocks,” Sutton reportedly responded.
The officer asked Sutton if he thought it was odd to be eating rocks, police reports show.
“Well, they are small rocks,” Sutton said, according to police reports.
Sutton said he was leaving, got in a car with the two boys, ages 4 and 5, and began to drive away, authorities said. The car didn’t have working brake lights and officers pulled Sutton over.
They found a meth pipe in his pocket and Sutton admitted to using meth the night before. He said he could still feel the effects.
Sutton was arrested and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, two counts of child endangerment, two counts of failing to secure a child, failure to have a valid license or insurance, operating a non-registered vehicle and having an improper rear lamp.
He remains in the Polk County Jail on a $6,119 bond.
The boys were taken to their mother.
Okay.......we can deal with that story.....then...a couple days ago, in the same neighborhood (or really close -like a few blocks) a man was shot because he was shooting at people driving by. He also shot at the police. Here's that story:
A Des Moines man armed with a semi-automatic rifle terrified a south-side neighborhood Wednesday afternoon, as he fired dozens of bullets from his yard at houses and passing vehicles before turning his weapon on police arriving on the scene.
Bullets shattered windows in vehicles, hit houses and injured a passerby. Nearby Lincoln High School was briefly locked down as police swarmed the area.
Two officers exchanged gunfire with the suspect in front of the white bungalow-style house at 1018 Creston Ave. The gunman suffered at least one bullet wound; he was transported to a local hospital. Police declined to say how the gunman was wounded.
Well, he died. He also had 60 animals living in his house. 57 birds (2 were dead), 4 cats and a python.
Do you think losing two birds made a shooter out of him?
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Turkey and Noodles from scratch----well almost
Tonight I am using the rest of the turkey from Thanksgiving. I did something different this time by adding some chicken hearts and gizzards. I love the gizzards and Jeff loves the hearts.
So earlier today I simmered the hearts and gizzards in a pan with some water and chicken granules (the only thing not from scratch). I cooked them for over 4 hours so they'd get soft and easy to eat.
Then I added some onion, and the meat from the turkey legs and thighs so it'd absorb the flavors of the broth and get soft too.
I made some homemade noodles using eggs, flour, salt and a bit of water.
I like wet noodles. Now what that means is that the noodles didn't dry, for long anyway. Maybe a half hour. This produces a fluffy al dente noodle. I also like them wide.
I also added tarragon when I added the turkey breast. Ever since I discovered tarragon, I've been adding it to dishes. It's my favorite herb and it's great in chicken (turkey) and noodles. I also added lots of black pepper.
Serve it over mashed potatoes and corn and it's a meal fit for a hungry man!!
So earlier today I simmered the hearts and gizzards in a pan with some water and chicken granules (the only thing not from scratch). I cooked them for over 4 hours so they'd get soft and easy to eat.
Then I added some onion, and the meat from the turkey legs and thighs so it'd absorb the flavors of the broth and get soft too.
I made some homemade noodles using eggs, flour, salt and a bit of water.
I like wet noodles. Now what that means is that the noodles didn't dry, for long anyway. Maybe a half hour. This produces a fluffy al dente noodle. I also like them wide.
I also added tarragon when I added the turkey breast. Ever since I discovered tarragon, I've been adding it to dishes. It's my favorite herb and it's great in chicken (turkey) and noodles. I also added lots of black pepper.
Serve it over mashed potatoes and corn and it's a meal fit for a hungry man!!
Friday, November 29, 2013
What's not to love about
posting on someone else's blog some freaky ass shit? ROFLMAO
Our dog (Stark) is driving me crazy coming over to me and staring at me until I ask him where's the ball, he finds it and then I have to bounce it off the ceiling and walls (hard, mind you) while he tries to catch it on the first bounce. He's doing it daily now. It's kind of tiring. For both of us. Ava tries to get involved but her hips don't let her move, so she just growls when the ball gets close to her. The rare occasion she gets the ball, she does give it up easily though. Good girl! It's a tennis ball. I should say balls because we have about 30 of them. They are scattered all over the house and back yard. The house looks like a two year old lives in it with all the toys.
I tried to get video of it but he moves too fast and it's hard to capture on the camera.
I need a new camera. I need one that the videos aren't blurry when I'm taping something far away. Also one that isn't too dark. I tape some things and they are too dark to see when they are in the house.
I'm camera clueless, so I guess I'll continue to use my 2 year old Kodak 7.2 mp M763. Bah. I could be filming some pretty awesome stuff.......... if only!!! Uh huh!!
I bought a new cd. Red House Painters. I love this song!!
The movie these scenes are from is really good: 'He loves me, He loves me not' with Audrey Tautou. She's made some memorable films. Amélie is amazing. Tautou is blindingly cute, and a powerhouse actress as well.
Here's another one. If you didn't recognize them, the lead singer is the one in other videos that I have posted from Sun Kill Moon.
I like his slow mellow tunes. They're melodic and easy and beautiful. I like reading the words to his songs too.
Our dog (Stark) is driving me crazy coming over to me and staring at me until I ask him where's the ball, he finds it and then I have to bounce it off the ceiling and walls (hard, mind you) while he tries to catch it on the first bounce. He's doing it daily now. It's kind of tiring. For both of us. Ava tries to get involved but her hips don't let her move, so she just growls when the ball gets close to her. The rare occasion she gets the ball, she does give it up easily though. Good girl! It's a tennis ball. I should say balls because we have about 30 of them. They are scattered all over the house and back yard. The house looks like a two year old lives in it with all the toys.
I tried to get video of it but he moves too fast and it's hard to capture on the camera.
I need a new camera. I need one that the videos aren't blurry when I'm taping something far away. Also one that isn't too dark. I tape some things and they are too dark to see when they are in the house.
I'm camera clueless, so I guess I'll continue to use my 2 year old Kodak 7.2 mp M763. Bah. I could be filming some pretty awesome stuff.......... if only!!! Uh huh!!
I bought a new cd. Red House Painters. I love this song!!
Here's another one. If you didn't recognize them, the lead singer is the one in other videos that I have posted from Sun Kill Moon.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
I have a serious
addiction to pho.
I mean, it's ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-aa-a-a-d.
I go once a week to get some. Went again tonight. Had the seafood pho for the first time. Was there last Sunday too. If I'm not eating pho I'm making it and on a quest to find thai basil here in the Asian groceries. On Pinterest I am drooling over pho pics.
Our cat Cindy is blind or almost blind. Deaf too. I think she can see movement but that's it. She swings her eyes around trying to see things, and follows the walls and almost bumps into things. So far she's adapted really well. It started about 6 months ago when I noticed her left pupil was always enlarged and getting cloudy. Now the other is that way too. She gets around really well and still climbs the kitchen cabinet to get onto the pull out bread board which is HER place to eat. She also still uses the litter boxes in the basement and the spare bedroom upstairs, and also finds the water bowl in the upstairs bathroom. She's such a good cat. One of the best cats we've ever had. She's not only a lap cat but she's never pottied outside of a litterbox, ever. I've never even see her vomit. When I call her name I can tell she can't hear me. She has always had this chronic ear thing going on and I wonder if the deafness and blindness are tied into that. I think she's gonna do just fine.
Here's a pic of my older brother and my SIL. He's got dimples like me! I just texted him, Happy t day, u ugly fucks! ROFLMAO He'll come back with something quippy. LOL
Later--Here's what he wrote back an hour later--he must have been out drinking...LOL :
'Im an ugly fuck and im ok i stink all night and i smell all day. in the morning i go skunkin and pass the time away.....'
SNORT!!! I knew it!! He's a hoot.
Blind pick bpal oil review:
Light yellow in color.
In the vial: Lemony and cologne at the same time. Smooth.
On the hand: Not so smooth now. Pushy yellowness. Like dropping a bottle of cologne in a lemon shop. Or holding a lemon to my nose while meandering through a perfume store. And it is pushy! It's a bully. This one's not backing down for anyone or anything. I love it.
What's in this? Sisters to the Erinyes and the Gigantes, the ash tree nymphs were also born from the union of the blood gushing from Ouranos’ castration wounds and Gaia’s fertile womb. These nymphs were the mother of the Bronze Race of mankind’s third age.
Ash manna and ambrosial honey.
Yummmm. Others got citrus, lemon and grapefruit so I'm not totally nuts here. yay
I can see the smoothness I got in the vial was the honey then the green sap came out on the hand. I like this, but most other reviewers didn't care for it. It's a keeper for me....but I love lemon scents....
One hour later:
Fah!!! This Meliai screams off the skin! I keep getting big wafts of it. Definitely a man's scent. Now it's squirrely amberish earth.
It's wonderful. But a manly scent. Not a big bottle winner only for that reason.
Even later: This is wonderful. Heavy, manly, musky.
I mean, it's ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-aa-a-a-d.
I go once a week to get some. Went again tonight. Had the seafood pho for the first time. Was there last Sunday too. If I'm not eating pho I'm making it and on a quest to find thai basil here in the Asian groceries. On Pinterest I am drooling over pho pics.
Our cat Cindy is blind or almost blind. Deaf too. I think she can see movement but that's it. She swings her eyes around trying to see things, and follows the walls and almost bumps into things. So far she's adapted really well. It started about 6 months ago when I noticed her left pupil was always enlarged and getting cloudy. Now the other is that way too. She gets around really well and still climbs the kitchen cabinet to get onto the pull out bread board which is HER place to eat. She also still uses the litter boxes in the basement and the spare bedroom upstairs, and also finds the water bowl in the upstairs bathroom. She's such a good cat. One of the best cats we've ever had. She's not only a lap cat but she's never pottied outside of a litterbox, ever. I've never even see her vomit. When I call her name I can tell she can't hear me. She has always had this chronic ear thing going on and I wonder if the deafness and blindness are tied into that. I think she's gonna do just fine.
Here's a pic of my older brother and my SIL. He's got dimples like me! I just texted him, Happy t day, u ugly fucks! ROFLMAO He'll come back with something quippy. LOL
Later--Here's what he wrote back an hour later--he must have been out drinking...LOL :
'Im an ugly fuck and im ok i stink all night and i smell all day. in the morning i go skunkin and pass the time away.....'
SNORT!!! I knew it!! He's a hoot.
Blind pick bpal oil review:
Light yellow in color.
In the vial: Lemony and cologne at the same time. Smooth.
On the hand: Not so smooth now. Pushy yellowness. Like dropping a bottle of cologne in a lemon shop. Or holding a lemon to my nose while meandering through a perfume store. And it is pushy! It's a bully. This one's not backing down for anyone or anything. I love it.
What's in this? Sisters to the Erinyes and the Gigantes, the ash tree nymphs were also born from the union of the blood gushing from Ouranos’ castration wounds and Gaia’s fertile womb. These nymphs were the mother of the Bronze Race of mankind’s third age.
Ash manna and ambrosial honey.
Yummmm. Others got citrus, lemon and grapefruit so I'm not totally nuts here. yay
I can see the smoothness I got in the vial was the honey then the green sap came out on the hand. I like this, but most other reviewers didn't care for it. It's a keeper for me....but I love lemon scents....
One hour later:
Fah!!! This Meliai screams off the skin! I keep getting big wafts of it. Definitely a man's scent. Now it's squirrely amberish earth.
It's wonderful. But a manly scent. Not a big bottle winner only for that reason.
Even later: This is wonderful. Heavy, manly, musky.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Another pho day
I'm making pho again. This time with beef bones I bought from the Asian store and also some ox tails.
I just need to have the broth on hand (I freeze it in freezer bags) for when I get a craving (which is about once a week).
It's an addiction I never expected. Well, I guess all addiction aren't expected, but you know what I mean.
I'm watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I've probably seen it 100 times since I also own the VCR tape. YES I still have VCR tapes. LOL! I imagine only 40 and older still watch it when it comes on regular TV. The graphics probably aren't what the new generation of kids prefer.
So I'm sitting here with thousands of X Generation peeps watching this uber wonderful show!!
I just need to have the broth on hand (I freeze it in freezer bags) for when I get a craving (which is about once a week).
It's an addiction I never expected. Well, I guess all addiction aren't expected, but you know what I mean.
I'm watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I've probably seen it 100 times since I also own the VCR tape. YES I still have VCR tapes. LOL! I imagine only 40 and older still watch it when it comes on regular TV. The graphics probably aren't what the new generation of kids prefer.
So I'm sitting here with thousands of X Generation peeps watching this uber wonderful show!!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
BPAL's Atmospheric Room Sprays
I'm in the mood for fragrance really bad right now. I want to open everything I own and SMELL IT ALL!!!
I bought a bunch of BPAL's Atmospheric Room Sprays that I actually use as perfume. One of my fave is Were-Rat Infested Sewer.
I know. Sounds gross eh?
It's not. It's awesome and I have two now. Yep the obsessive in me needed more. hehe
I have: The Queen's Croquet Ground, Revenge (a prototype--which means it's in the early stages before the end product is decided upon), Down the Rabbit Hole, and Lich's Laboratory.
I'm going to try them all tonight!!
Let's go in alphabetical order....so Down the Rabbit Hole---You're up!!
I smelled the nozzle and already I am getting dirt and putridness. LOL I'll probably give this to Shannon, my bestie's daughter who LOVES bpal's Death Cap which is the most gawd-awful bpal around.... ack!
Hmmmm, I put some on my arm and after the first initial putrid smell I get something quite springy and fresh. This might be a keeper!!??
2 minutes:
What's in this? Can I find a description? I did! I did!
Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next. First, she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to, but it was too dark to see anything; then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves; here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed; it was labelled `ORANGE MARMALADE', but to her great disappointment it was empty: she did not like to drop the jar for fear of killing somebody, so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it.
Daisies and dirt with a hint of orange marmalade, dry leaves, and crunchy old sticks.
I wonder why all bpals that have dirt as a scent smell putrid to me. That's not dirt. Or maybe it's the dry leaves that is putrid in bpal's scents. not sure. all in know is I don't like putrid.
Okay.....Lich's Laboratory is up!
Really unusual nozzle sniff.
On the hand: wow is that different! Zesty dry leaves! Love this. Super poppy. It's soda water bubbling foam and loam. I want to say minty but it's not.....it just seems that way. Green leaves being chopped in a blender, then add a shot of champagne, 2 lilies, 1/2 cup moss and a skull that's been buried in dirt for 10 years. Mix it all up and pour into 5ml bottles and sell it for $17.50.
What's in this?
Hissing vials of acid, swirls of thick incense, creeping mosses, flecks of grave loam, and noxious potions clutter the blackened stone biers of an abandoned burial vault.
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Not too far off!!
I like this wet. And I LOVE Down the Rabbit Hole dry. OMG it's superbly ethereal!!
Okay, it's The Queen's Croquet Ground's turn.
Nozzle sniff gives me tangy greenstuff. Whoa! Yellowness!!! Dandelions smells with the green grass. So clean and green. Weeds that you cut with scissors, then smell the cut ends. Super grassy. Cut all the weeds into little pieces then scoop it up and bring it to your nose and take a big inhale. There's a flower in this that I recognize but can't name.
What's in this?
Are their heads off?' shouted the Queen.
`Their heads are gone, if it please your Majesty!' the soldiers shouted in reply.
`That's right!' shouted the Queen. `Can you play croquet?'
The soldiers were silent, and looked at Alice, as the question was evidently meant for her.
`Yes!' shouted Alice.
`Come on, then!' roared the Queen, and Alice joined the procession, wondering very much what would happen next.
Green grass and red roses.
ROFLMAO!!! It's roses that I smell!! Freaking roses!!!!! Why can't I ever get that right??????? Mostly this is green so maybe that's a reprieve for me but I doubt it.
Down the Rabbit Hole is getting putrid again and Lich is heavenly........Lich's is getting peppery too now.
Last one ----Revenge!!!!
Nozzle smells florally. But it's not. This is alcoholy. I wonder if that's the smell or if this has turned.
Scent description:
Read other's reviews. I also found it to be meh.....no smell really. Just alcohol. Blech. And I LIKE alcohol....as we all know by now....
I was hoping Revenge would be something to talk about. Meh.
The other three are splendiferous!!
I bought a bunch of BPAL's Atmospheric Room Sprays that I actually use as perfume. One of my fave is Were-Rat Infested Sewer.
I know. Sounds gross eh?
It's not. It's awesome and I have two now. Yep the obsessive in me needed more. hehe
I have: The Queen's Croquet Ground, Revenge (a prototype--which means it's in the early stages before the end product is decided upon), Down the Rabbit Hole, and Lich's Laboratory.
I'm going to try them all tonight!!
Let's go in alphabetical order....so Down the Rabbit Hole---You're up!!
I smelled the nozzle and already I am getting dirt and putridness. LOL I'll probably give this to Shannon, my bestie's daughter who LOVES bpal's Death Cap which is the most gawd-awful bpal around.... ack!
Hmmmm, I put some on my arm and after the first initial putrid smell I get something quite springy and fresh. This might be a keeper!!??
2 minutes:
It IS a keeper! It's super bright, white and vibrant. Never judge a hole by it's surface smell. Remember....I said that.
Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next. First, she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to, but it was too dark to see anything; then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves; here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed; it was labelled `ORANGE MARMALADE', but to her great disappointment it was empty: she did not like to drop the jar for fear of killing somebody, so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it.
Daisies and dirt with a hint of orange marmalade, dry leaves, and crunchy old sticks.
I wonder why all bpals that have dirt as a scent smell putrid to me. That's not dirt. Or maybe it's the dry leaves that is putrid in bpal's scents. not sure. all in know is I don't like putrid.
Okay.....Lich's Laboratory is up!
Really unusual nozzle sniff.
On the hand: wow is that different! Zesty dry leaves! Love this. Super poppy. It's soda water bubbling foam and loam. I want to say minty but it's not.....it just seems that way. Green leaves being chopped in a blender, then add a shot of champagne, 2 lilies, 1/2 cup moss and a skull that's been buried in dirt for 10 years. Mix it all up and pour into 5ml bottles and sell it for $17.50.
What's in this?
Hissing vials of acid, swirls of thick incense, creeping mosses, flecks of grave loam, and noxious potions clutter the blackened stone biers of an abandoned burial vault.
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Not too far off!!
I like this wet. And I LOVE Down the Rabbit Hole dry. OMG it's superbly ethereal!!
Okay, it's The Queen's Croquet Ground's turn.
Nozzle sniff gives me tangy greenstuff. Whoa! Yellowness!!! Dandelions smells with the green grass. So clean and green. Weeds that you cut with scissors, then smell the cut ends. Super grassy. Cut all the weeds into little pieces then scoop it up and bring it to your nose and take a big inhale. There's a flower in this that I recognize but can't name.
What's in this?
Are their heads off?' shouted the Queen.
`Their heads are gone, if it please your Majesty!' the soldiers shouted in reply.
`That's right!' shouted the Queen. `Can you play croquet?'
The soldiers were silent, and looked at Alice, as the question was evidently meant for her.
`Yes!' shouted Alice.
`Come on, then!' roared the Queen, and Alice joined the procession, wondering very much what would happen next.
Green grass and red roses.
ROFLMAO!!! It's roses that I smell!! Freaking roses!!!!! Why can't I ever get that right??????? Mostly this is green so maybe that's a reprieve for me but I doubt it.
Down the Rabbit Hole is getting putrid again and Lich is heavenly........Lich's is getting peppery too now.
Last one ----Revenge!!!!
Nozzle smells florally. But it's not. This is alcoholy. I wonder if that's the smell or if this has turned.
Scent description:
Read other's reviews. I also found it to be meh.....no smell really. Just alcohol. Blech. And I LIKE alcohol....as we all know by now....
I was hoping Revenge would be something to talk about. Meh.
Friday, November 15, 2013
BPAL's Mountain of Bone, Gaueko and Czernobog, I love my dawgs
so much that sometimes I get overwhelmed thinking that someday they are going to die. It makes me cry. I love on them all the time....like ..... A LOT. So maybe I will be okay thinking that I gave them lots of love and attention. I hope so. But I am not sure I am going to be able to bear them passing away.
Very sweet and creamy. I smell some lemon or lime. It's pretty potent smelling too. It's a candy sort of smell. Like what a bag of gummy worms smells like freshly opened while walking through the parking lot of the store. I smell berries, lemon, cherries, maybe even coconut?? I am really liking this a lot. I'd definitely wear this to work. It's a happy scent. Let's see what's in this...
The notorious Vale pub, and the bhole's favorite after-practise hangout. White wine spritzers with a dribble of ooze and a bone-speared thok fruit garnish.
Yay, I did pretty good. Others got the fruit too. This is a bag of candy to me and so not what I was expecting......With the name I expected something sinister and bone cold. Not a happy bag of goodies. But I'll take it!!
On the skin: Smoky, patchouli, incense and resin. That sour smell is mostly gone. I'm now getting a lot of green with this. Like big green pines with moss hanging from them next to a smokey fire.
Few minutes later: It's turning sharp.
A few more minutes: ACK. This has an odd pissy smell to it. Not liking it so much at this point.
Let's see what's in this....Created in honor of the Slavic Black God of the Dead. A nighttime god of grief, evil, chaos and woe, he is paralleled by his twin brother Bylebog, god of light, joy, order, and good fortune. A combination of three musks, with splashes of dark myrrh, vetiver and mullein.
I need to see what that Mullein is...well it's a plant but Wiki doesn't say what it smells like. I love, love, love musk, myrrh and vetiver so it has to be the mullein that smells pissy to me. It's a funky smell that I wouldn't even wear in public because I'd be afraid people thought I'd pissed my pants and let it dry...like over and over. Eeeek.
This has to be given away. I don't want it around at all.
Aren't they regal dogs?? Please excuse the dog snot on the window.
"What you talkin' 'bout, Willis? That's a secret shield that's impenetrable to radar, sound, gunfire, sonar, x-ray, satellite, night-vision, infrared, and nosy neighbors. Let's just keep our mouth shut about it, all right soldier?!"
I've got to order some Nocturne Alchemy Phantom. That's probably one of the best smelling oils I've tried lately.
I ate at Long John Silvers today for lunch and now I'm all puffy with water weight. LOL I didn't even eat supper. Man I love that food. Nothing like ingesting 1000 calories for lunch. Bah!
I'm going to bring some of my posts from BPAL Forum over to here so people can read them without having to sign up on BPAL.
Mountain of Bone
It's in a bottle and I can't tell what color it is. I know some of you are just moping about that right now, eh? Yeah right.Very sweet and creamy. I smell some lemon or lime. It's pretty potent smelling too. It's a candy sort of smell. Like what a bag of gummy worms smells like freshly opened while walking through the parking lot of the store. I smell berries, lemon, cherries, maybe even coconut?? I am really liking this a lot. I'd definitely wear this to work. It's a happy scent. Let's see what's in this...
The notorious Vale pub, and the bhole's favorite after-practise hangout. White wine spritzers with a dribble of ooze and a bone-speared thok fruit garnish.
Yay, I did pretty good. Others got the fruit too. This is a bag of candy to me and so not what I was expecting......With the name I expected something sinister and bone cold. Not a happy bag of goodies. But I'll take it!!
Czernobog In the vial is that coca cola smell. I also get something creepy...like moss or dead wet leaves. I'm kinda liking it. LOL Seems to have something sour in it, and I still haven't put it on my skin yet. Smells kind of pissy too.
On the skin: Smoky, patchouli, incense and resin. That sour smell is mostly gone. I'm now getting a lot of green with this. Like big green pines with moss hanging from them next to a smokey fire.
Few minutes later: It's turning sharp.
A few more minutes: ACK. This has an odd pissy smell to it. Not liking it so much at this point.
Let's see what's in this....Created in honor of the Slavic Black God of the Dead. A nighttime god of grief, evil, chaos and woe, he is paralleled by his twin brother Bylebog, god of light, joy, order, and good fortune. A combination of three musks, with splashes of dark myrrh, vetiver and mullein.
I need to see what that Mullein is...well it's a plant but Wiki doesn't say what it smells like. I love, love, love musk, myrrh and vetiver so it has to be the mullein that smells pissy to me. It's a funky smell that I wouldn't even wear in public because I'd be afraid people thought I'd pissed my pants and let it dry...like over and over. Eeeek.
This has to be given away. I don't want it around at all.
Now I'm going to do a blind pick of one that I've never reviewed before....
In the vial: invigorating, florals mixed with ozones, what stars would smell like. But not a hot star. Cool. Truly, truly invigorating is the word that comes to mind when I smell it.
When I put it on the back of my hand I could smell it in my nose from a foot away. Super white floral with some sea spray and maybe a hint of sourness. Maybe even some mint. Take a glass and in it put 3 mints, a lot of white flower petals and there it is. I love it. It's gorgeous.
What's in this? The Basque God of Night and all the perils of the darkness. Though he is the God of the Danger that Lurks in the Gloom, he is kind to men and warns them against the nighttime hazards and sets rules of conduct for both the living and the dead as they travel through his domain. It is said that since the warm, vibrant daylight is for the living, the abodes of night are reserved for the dead. All who heed his counsel are protected, but woe be to any man that disobeys the laws of Gaueko: he is swift to punish those that would scorn his advice. Blackened sandalwood and misty lavender, with curling wisps of smoky tobacco, nag champa, and labdanum.
Hmm, now that I look for it, yeah I get the nag champa, I think that combined with the lavender if what's giving me the minty smell.
I love this and it's a big bottle winner.
Yeah, Nag Champa is the bomb!!! So is Gaga!
45 minutes: Nag is nagging me to no end. Loving this Gaueko!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Yesterday's post
We went to Riccelli's to eat. It's this old Italian restaurant that's been around since the 50's I believe. The food's hit or miss, the waitstaff is subpar and it's like being in a dinner theater and the theater is watching the employees. LOL
We love it anymore but we boycotted it for 25 years. No crap, it was that bad.
We had onion rings, soup, bread, a small plate of spaghetti and then our main dish and a side. All for 60.00 plus I had 2 margaritas and Jeff had 2 beers. We even had leftovers for the dogs and cats. Jeff had a New York strip and I had calves liver and onions. We ROLL out of that place every time.
Reviews are all over the place and there's never anyone under 30 years old in the place and usually it's people even older than me and Jeff who are early 50's.
If you go on a Friday or Saturday it's 1 1/2 hours before you get your food (the main course) and don't expect any beverage refills either. LOL It takes 20 minutes for them to even take your order. Like I said, it's Dinner Theater!! What a hoot!!!
We love it anymore but we boycotted it for 25 years. No crap, it was that bad.
We had onion rings, soup, bread, a small plate of spaghetti and then our main dish and a side. All for 60.00 plus I had 2 margaritas and Jeff had 2 beers. We even had leftovers for the dogs and cats. Jeff had a New York strip and I had calves liver and onions. We ROLL out of that place every time.
Reviews are all over the place and there's never anyone under 30 years old in the place and usually it's people even older than me and Jeff who are early 50's.
If you go on a Friday or Saturday it's 1 1/2 hours before you get your food (the main course) and don't expect any beverage refills either. LOL It takes 20 minutes for them to even take your order. Like I said, it's Dinner Theater!! What a hoot!!!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Bah!!! Internet AND cable TV down all night last night!!
Blasphemy!!!! Got home at 7pm, both out. Called Mediacom, they said 3-4 hours. Woke up at midnight, still out, called again. Told me 6am. Woke up, got ready for work, still out. Called at 7:50am. Told me 3 hours. uh huh. Mediacom sucks and if we had another cable company to use, we'd be using them but they have a monopoly here. We pay 250.00 a month for 4 cable boxes, one has HD and DVR, and internet. Ridiculous!!
I'm almost ready to go to Direct TV, but when we price what we have, the price is about the same for both.....so Id rather keep my cable because we have a lot of bad weather in Iowa and satellite would go down for sure during storms. Lose, lose situation. WE'RE IN A CATCH 22 DREAM!!
I'm HOOKED on Pinterest. Like I need a new website!!!
The food!!! The FOOD!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I'm in Vietnamese food heaven!! I ate homemade pho on Saturday and I'm already having another craving. Tomorrow me and Jasmine from work hit Pho 888 for lunch.
She says there is a beef salad that's scrumptious. I can't wait!
Today I wore Phantom from Vapothecary (Nocturne Alchemy) to work. It's smells so wonderful that a co-worker yells someone smells good! She blamed another co-worker but that co-worker says not it's not me , I think it's Lori. I just acted like I didn't hear anything!! I don't want people smelling like me, so my lips were sealed!!
Phantom: http://cattastroficka.blogspot.com/2013/10/phantom-by-vapothecary.html
Today though it was all candylike, more candy than the first time I reviewed it. CRAZY! Crazy!!
We had guinea grinders for supper.
1 loaf French or Italian bread
1 lb 80% ground beef
1 lb hot Italian sausage
2 tblsp tomato paste
1/4 small onion chopped
1/4 green pepper chopped
1/2 large jalapeno chopped fine
4 to 6 Mozzarella cheese slices
4 American cheese slices
Chili powder to taste--I like about 2 tablsp
Garlic Powder to taste- I like 2 tsp.
Garlic salt to taste- I like 1 tsp
and some salt
Cook the beef and sausage all the while breaking it down with a spatula. Brown it. DO NOT pour off the grease! Add the seasonings and tomato paste. Stir well. Cook on low for 5 minutes.
Slice the bread horizontally in the middle. I then dig out some of the bread with my fingers to create a well in the bottom half. Load the meat into the well. Top with the onions, peppers and then the cheeses.
Bake at 325 for 25 minutes then up the temp to 375 for 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and let rest 5-8 minutes. Cut into manageable sizes.
The fats from the meat will soak into the bottom bread and create this oily, crispy crust. I suppose if you're watching your weight or fats then you can drain the meat but I don't recommend it. No wonder my doctor hates me. LOL
A wooden roller coaster from the 70's from my past. Rode it so many times that I could feel the curves and hills in this video. Awesome!!
I'm almost ready to go to Direct TV, but when we price what we have, the price is about the same for both.....so Id rather keep my cable because we have a lot of bad weather in Iowa and satellite would go down for sure during storms. Lose, lose situation. WE'RE IN A CATCH 22 DREAM!!
I'm HOOKED on Pinterest. Like I need a new website!!!
The food!!! The FOOD!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I'm in Vietnamese food heaven!! I ate homemade pho on Saturday and I'm already having another craving. Tomorrow me and Jasmine from work hit Pho 888 for lunch.
She says there is a beef salad that's scrumptious. I can't wait!
Today I wore Phantom from Vapothecary (Nocturne Alchemy) to work. It's smells so wonderful that a co-worker yells someone smells good! She blamed another co-worker but that co-worker says not it's not me , I think it's Lori. I just acted like I didn't hear anything!! I don't want people smelling like me, so my lips were sealed!!
Phantom: http://cattastroficka.blogspot.com/2013/10/phantom-by-vapothecary.html
Today though it was all candylike, more candy than the first time I reviewed it. CRAZY! Crazy!!
We had guinea grinders for supper.
1 loaf French or Italian bread
1 lb 80% ground beef
1 lb hot Italian sausage
2 tblsp tomato paste
1/4 small onion chopped
1/4 green pepper chopped
1/2 large jalapeno chopped fine
4 to 6 Mozzarella cheese slices
4 American cheese slices
Chili powder to taste--I like about 2 tablsp
Garlic Powder to taste- I like 2 tsp.
Garlic salt to taste- I like 1 tsp
and some salt
Cook the beef and sausage all the while breaking it down with a spatula. Brown it. DO NOT pour off the grease! Add the seasonings and tomato paste. Stir well. Cook on low for 5 minutes.
Slice the bread horizontally in the middle. I then dig out some of the bread with my fingers to create a well in the bottom half. Load the meat into the well. Top with the onions, peppers and then the cheeses.
Bake at 325 for 25 minutes then up the temp to 375 for 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and let rest 5-8 minutes. Cut into manageable sizes.
The fats from the meat will soak into the bottom bread and create this oily, crispy crust. I suppose if you're watching your weight or fats then you can drain the meat but I don't recommend it. No wonder my doctor hates me. LOL
Friday, November 8, 2013
Eagle Cam
Every year for the past 4 years I've watched the Decorah Iowa Eagle Cam. It starts in the fall and you see the pair fix the nest then lay their eggs and brood them until they hatch about February. They hatch then the babies grow and finally fledge. It's wild watching the parents bring food to the babies.
Here's the link:
I made a peanut butter cake from scratch with homemade peanut butter frosting and the cake tastes like a pancake. But it was still warm. Everything tastes different when it's warm. I am hoping the decandent frosting will seep into the cake. It's already started actually. No shit. Jeff laughed his ass off-- about the pancake taste.. The punk. Okay, maybe I suck at baking. Ehhhhh
I'll still eat it. I am craving pho and peanut butter cake. No, I'm not preggers.
I think Melissa McCarthy is my fave actress right now. I've NEVER had a fave actress.I wasn't expecting to like 'The Heat'. But that was probably one of the funniest movies I've seen for a long time.
Still watching that eagle nest!!??
I bought $200 worth of product to make my wreaths. Stuff was 80% off so I got $1000 worth of stuff for $200. I'm stoked! <<so 80's
I think I might try to sell a few, see if I can at least make my money back.
Time for a blind pick!!
In the vial: no color, clear. I love those, they always seem mysterious and also that they can be any kind of scent, it's fun to try to guess.
In the vial still: Lily, vibrant floral, almost ghostly, clean and in a really good way. It's a rainstorm. A windstorm! The scent is the microphone picking up the thuds and whistles of the wind. I have to get this on my skin. I chose a wrist, something new for me. Normally I schlock it on the back of my hand. Not this. It's a beautiful smell that rivals the old time colognes. All floral, strong yet breezy. God that sounds corny. Calgon, take me away! You'll only get that if you're at least 30 years old.
Fadin out here! Adios! Syanara. Kapeesh. Auv Vrwah.. That's French. Are River Detchee. That's up in Wisconsin I think. It might be Michigan. Not sure.
Chelsea Handler is the bomb. No shit. I love her dry sense of humor and also her wet sense of humor. Is there such a thing as wet humor? Well she has it. No I am not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I get her.
That whole paragraph sounded perverted, didn't it?<<< I'm writing this sentence DAYS after writing the above sentence. <<this one too<< and this one<<< and this one<<< this one<<< yep<< yeppers<<< uh huh.......
Juliet is still uberly, effervescencley vibrant girly smell. All flowers and sun. I can't help that I MAKE UP WORDS. Why was that all caps, I didn't do that. ? I've been hinxed!
What's in Juliet?? Utter wonderfulnous<< that's coming from ME!!!.
Sweet pea with stargazer lily, calla lily, heliotrope, honeysuckle, white musk and a touch of fresh pear.
Ahhhh! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. That sums it up.
The Mississipi Crock Pot Roast Beast was extremely good. That means a lot! Jeff said it was probably the best roast that he'd ever ate. It wasn't tender, Tim was right about that, but the flavor made up for it.
Here's the link:
I made a peanut butter cake from scratch with homemade peanut butter frosting and the cake tastes like a pancake. But it was still warm. Everything tastes different when it's warm. I am hoping the decandent frosting will seep into the cake. It's already started actually. No shit. Jeff laughed his ass off-- about the pancake taste.. The punk. Okay, maybe I suck at baking. Ehhhhh
I'll still eat it. I am craving pho and peanut butter cake. No, I'm not preggers.
I think Melissa McCarthy is my fave actress right now. I've NEVER had a fave actress.I wasn't expecting to like 'The Heat'. But that was probably one of the funniest movies I've seen for a long time.
Still watching that eagle nest!!??
I bought $200 worth of product to make my wreaths. Stuff was 80% off so I got $1000 worth of stuff for $200. I'm stoked! <<so 80's
I think I might try to sell a few, see if I can at least make my money back.
Time for a blind pick!!
In the vial: no color, clear. I love those, they always seem mysterious and also that they can be any kind of scent, it's fun to try to guess.
In the vial still: Lily, vibrant floral, almost ghostly, clean and in a really good way. It's a rainstorm. A windstorm! The scent is the microphone picking up the thuds and whistles of the wind. I have to get this on my skin. I chose a wrist, something new for me. Normally I schlock it on the back of my hand. Not this. It's a beautiful smell that rivals the old time colognes. All floral, strong yet breezy. God that sounds corny. Calgon, take me away! You'll only get that if you're at least 30 years old.
Fadin out here! Adios! Syanara. Kapeesh. Auv Vrwah.. That's French. Are River Detchee. That's up in Wisconsin I think. It might be Michigan. Not sure.
Chelsea Handler is the bomb. No shit. I love her dry sense of humor and also her wet sense of humor. Is there such a thing as wet humor? Well she has it. No I am not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I get her.
That whole paragraph sounded perverted, didn't it?<<< I'm writing this sentence DAYS after writing the above sentence. <<this one too<< and this one<<< and this one<<< this one<<< yep<< yeppers<<< uh huh.......
Juliet is still uberly, effervescencley vibrant girly smell. All flowers and sun. I can't help that I MAKE UP WORDS. Why was that all caps, I didn't do that. ? I've been hinxed!
What's in Juliet?? Utter wonderfulnous<< that's coming from ME!!!.
Sweet pea with stargazer lily, calla lily, heliotrope, honeysuckle, white musk and a touch of fresh pear.
Ahhhh! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. That sums it up.
The Mississipi Crock Pot Roast Beast was extremely good. That means a lot! Jeff said it was probably the best roast that he'd ever ate. It wasn't tender, Tim was right about that, but the flavor made up for it.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
It's a fact
We're killing our world. Slowly, that's for sure, but it's inevitable. We're killing our rivers, and forests and every species of animal, insect and plant. No way our planet will be able to sustain the population nor the pollution. I'd hate to be alive at the end of the world. What a horrific catastrophe. Sad.
Do you think you 'live' on after death? Or is it just a blackness, like sleeping. Do you think there's a 'God'. Someone or something that is there when you die? The world is pretty 'fact' based. No such things as ghosts, reincarnation, channeling, psychic readings. It's all hockey puck. When you die, you die. You're just gone. I like to 'entertain' that there's something else out there. That my entity will go to another dimension. But it aint happenin. I recently read Tuesdays with Morrie. I commend him on trying to teach people to live in the moment and to love, love, love. I know he reached some. Some people look at life differently because of him. Good. That was his intent.
I'm not much of a 'people' person. I'm more nature involved. I love animals, and trees, flowers, tangible things. I DO like certain people though. Like my husband. He's tangible. Oh yeah. LOL
I'm reading The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. I also have the DVD coming. It's a story of a guy down on his luck getting lucky to be able to stay at a place that had these wild parrots living in the vicinity. Great story. It's in San Francisco. He gets to know them by feeding them and helping them according to their individual needs. Every parrot is different in not only the way they looked, but temperament and personality.
Do you think you 'live' on after death? Or is it just a blackness, like sleeping. Do you think there's a 'God'. Someone or something that is there when you die? The world is pretty 'fact' based. No such things as ghosts, reincarnation, channeling, psychic readings. It's all hockey puck. When you die, you die. You're just gone. I like to 'entertain' that there's something else out there. That my entity will go to another dimension. But it aint happenin. I recently read Tuesdays with Morrie. I commend him on trying to teach people to live in the moment and to love, love, love. I know he reached some. Some people look at life differently because of him. Good. That was his intent.
I'm not much of a 'people' person. I'm more nature involved. I love animals, and trees, flowers, tangible things. I DO like certain people though. Like my husband. He's tangible. Oh yeah. LOL
I'm reading The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. I also have the DVD coming. It's a story of a guy down on his luck getting lucky to be able to stay at a place that had these wild parrots living in the vicinity. Great story. It's in San Francisco. He gets to know them by feeding them and helping them according to their individual needs. Every parrot is different in not only the way they looked, but temperament and personality.
I loved Tupelo too. sniffle
Be back later.....with some bpal reviews...
Mississippi Crock Pot Roast Beast aka Mississippi Pot Roast
I'm making this today since I am off work for an appointment and found the recipe on one of my favorite blogs. http://rouxbdoo.blogspot.com/ His blog link is also down and to the right --->
It's 3:00 now and I put it on at 11:00, to be done by the time Jeff gets home. I went to my appt and came back and you're right Tim (Rouxbdoo)--it smells really good in here!! Yum! Can't wait to eat it.
Copied from Rouxbdoo's blog:
Mississippi Pot Roast
1 beef chuck roast, 3 - 4 lbs
1 packet McCormicks powdered Au Jus mix
1 packet Hidden Valley powdered Ranch Dressing mix
1 stick of butter
6 - 8 pepperoncini peppers
Spray your crockpot with non-stick cooking spray, place roast in the pot, cover top with ranch mix and cover that with au jus mix. Lay the stick of butter on top and scatter the pepperoncinis over the top of the powder covered roast. Replace lid and cook for 8 hrs on LOW.
Now, here's the warning. DO NOT ADD WATER.
I haven't decided the sides yet but I do have some dense soft bread. Jeff loves bread with his meals. I think he's going to devour this roast. Roast is his all time favorite meal over anything else! Maybe I'll make some red beans and rice for a side, that sounds good too.
I made a video of my kitchen, there's been several people that want to see all my suns I have decorated with.
It's 3:00 now and I put it on at 11:00, to be done by the time Jeff gets home. I went to my appt and came back and you're right Tim (Rouxbdoo)--it smells really good in here!! Yum! Can't wait to eat it.
Copied from Rouxbdoo's blog:
Mississippi Pot Roast
1 beef chuck roast, 3 - 4 lbs
1 packet McCormicks powdered Au Jus mix
1 packet Hidden Valley powdered Ranch Dressing mix
1 stick of butter
6 - 8 pepperoncini peppers
Spray your crockpot with non-stick cooking spray, place roast in the pot, cover top with ranch mix and cover that with au jus mix. Lay the stick of butter on top and scatter the pepperoncinis over the top of the powder covered roast. Replace lid and cook for 8 hrs on LOW.
Now, here's the warning. DO NOT ADD WATER.
I haven't decided the sides yet but I do have some dense soft bread. Jeff loves bread with his meals. I think he's going to devour this roast. Roast is his all time favorite meal over anything else! Maybe I'll make some red beans and rice for a side, that sounds good too.
I made a video of my kitchen, there's been several people that want to see all my suns I have decorated with.
Remember how I said I was letting my natural hair grow out?? Well, here's the stage I am at!! OMG! I've been blonde since 8th grade!!
Here's a pic when I had red, brown and blonde in my hair. I LOVED this look but the girl that did this for me moved to South Dakota and I've never been able to find anyone as good.
I have no idea what he wants. If anyone can tell me that'd be great!! I went into the kitchen to smell the roast beast and turned around to find this.
I think he's trying to look innocent, what do you think? Like....."I carry this ball around with me wherever I go so don't be getting any big ideas that I want to play or anything. In fact, I think it's stuck to my lip and I might need a bambulance."
"Or maybe I need a ballbulance. To lance this ball off my lips. It seems to be stuck."
Sunday, November 3, 2013
So I've put Loo-Cee (yes I changed the spelling) away for the winter.
She seemed sad that she's not going to be zipping along I-235 in the mornings and afternoons. Oh....that's me that's sad. Sigh. She's so much fun to drive. By far the easiest and funnest (is that a word) car I have ever driven. It's funny because I'll be zooming along the freeway thinking I am going 10 miles over the speed limit and I'll look down and I'm going the speed limit! It feels like I am traveling a lot faster than I am. Then I started driving the F150 a couple weeks ago and felt I needed to speed up and I looked down and I was going 70 in a 60. Ack!! The difference between the two is amazing. I do like being up so high in the truck though. And that it's 4 wheel drive for winter. It's a tank in the snow and I've never gotten stuck. I love my truck.
Time for another blind bpal pick.
Tin Foil Hat
Guess what!? It's yellow! Yeah, whodathunkit?
In the vial: clean, citrusy man's cologne. Soapy, like decorative soaps in a grandmother's bathroom.
On the hand: It reminds me of a clear day with laundry blowing in the wind. This is the fabric softener in the sheets. Even though my first initial thought was a man's cologne I think this is now rather feminine. Actually it's both. What a conundrum! It's strong at first. Almost too strong but I feel it's going to get really frilly and clean and girly in a couple hours. If so I think I love this. We'll see.
What's in this? Crap! No scent description. Let's see what others say:
Some excerpts: wet: this smells a bit like a light, sweet aquatic over a bright metallic. not jarring or sharp at all, very clean and tame. No, really, I smell like ozone. Straight metallic scents, with nothing else to ground them, usually just turn to to tart, fresh soapiness for me. There's really nothing wrong with that, and it's actually rather pretty-- bright, dewy, with a silken, mirror-like texture. It vaguely reminds me of an men's aquatic citrus cologne, like "Cool Water" with citrus. (ME: YES!!) Hello men's cologne. How you've been?This is masculine to say the least. Its nice enough for a guy, but this thing is strong so wear at your own risk. What a weird combination! I'm guessing lime and lavender, with something VERY ozone/aquatic that's creating the metallic edge. This is kinda irritating my nose - not in a sneezy way, just in an irritating way - it's not a smell I'm enjoying.Very clean and fresh, maybe even slightly fizzy, but for me.. it smells like walking through the men's perfume area at the department store. You know how that smells.. the mix of all those Calvin Klein and Hugo Boss and Armani type colognes.
Seems like I get what they get. I like this. For myself. Will see how it smells when I wake up in the morning.
Time for another blind bpal pick.
Tin Foil Hat
Guess what!? It's yellow! Yeah, whodathunkit?
In the vial: clean, citrusy man's cologne. Soapy, like decorative soaps in a grandmother's bathroom.
On the hand: It reminds me of a clear day with laundry blowing in the wind. This is the fabric softener in the sheets. Even though my first initial thought was a man's cologne I think this is now rather feminine. Actually it's both. What a conundrum! It's strong at first. Almost too strong but I feel it's going to get really frilly and clean and girly in a couple hours. If so I think I love this. We'll see.
What's in this? Crap! No scent description. Let's see what others say:
Some excerpts: wet: this smells a bit like a light, sweet aquatic over a bright metallic. not jarring or sharp at all, very clean and tame. No, really, I smell like ozone. Straight metallic scents, with nothing else to ground them, usually just turn to to tart, fresh soapiness for me. There's really nothing wrong with that, and it's actually rather pretty-- bright, dewy, with a silken, mirror-like texture. It vaguely reminds me of an men's aquatic citrus cologne, like "Cool Water" with citrus. (ME: YES!!) Hello men's cologne. How you've been?This is masculine to say the least. Its nice enough for a guy, but this thing is strong so wear at your own risk. What a weird combination! I'm guessing lime and lavender, with something VERY ozone/aquatic that's creating the metallic edge. This is kinda irritating my nose - not in a sneezy way, just in an irritating way - it's not a smell I'm enjoying.Very clean and fresh, maybe even slightly fizzy, but for me.. it smells like walking through the men's perfume area at the department store. You know how that smells.. the mix of all those Calvin Klein and Hugo Boss and Armani type colognes.
Seems like I get what they get. I like this. For myself. Will see how it smells when I wake up in the morning.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Good Judy Pickled Punk and Mint Patch!
Time for a review of another etailer besides BPAL. So I grabbed my ammo case with other etailers and perused thru them and grabbed this one because of the name. I have in this box BPTP (Black Phoenix Trading Post), Good Judy, Conjure Oils, Nocturne Alchemy, Alkemia Perfumes, Lou Lou's, ZOMG, The Poisoned Apple Apothecary, Arcana, Blooddrop, Lux Vixen, Violette Market, blah blah blah.....to lazy to continue the names..........
Click here to see a pic of the ammo box and a full listing
Pickled Punk
Adorable name!! Yellow in color, would I have expected anything different? Hell no!!
Fruity in the vial. Lemony. Pretty difficult to even smell it so I have to put some on my hand immediately. The first initial impression I have is Yuck. LOL There's something in this I don't like. Something weird smelling and it's hard to put a word to it. The top note is a bright and fruity but the base is that weird smell. This has an oddly candyish tickle. Not sure I like this though. Even as it dries it's not getting much better. Like spoiled candy. meh
I actually found a scent description: When two become one, what once was is now forever...only never to be. Ghastly to some. Fascinating to others. A medical marvel to all. This bicephalic form floats, peaceful, in a man-made womb with a view...perfectly preserved for your curiosity and pleasure.
Tangerine, pink pepper, talc
I think it's the talc that's making this nauseous to me, because I like tangerine and pink pepper in oils. I won't be keeping this. Blech.
Well since that was a bust --gonna do another one....Should I give Good Judy a chance to redeem herself? of course!!
How about Mint Patch!?
I'm wringing my hands with this one because I KNOW I WILL LOVE IT!!!!! hehe
Dark in color. YES!!! It's a good sign!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That's some mint!! And a mint I haven't smelled yet in an oil. A different flavor of mint for sure. Spearmint, it's gotta be! Wrigley's Doublemint Gum in the green wrapper. And that's all I am getting from the vial.
On the hand: WOW! this cleans out the nose. Stuffed up? Gotta cold? No more! Yeeeeowwwsaaa!!
Crazy ass mint even as it's drying. I'd expected the patch to come out. Nope. Nada. Denied. I am lovin me some Mint Patch! I'm freaking going to have to wear this to work and freak people out. I am getting the barest glimpse of my buddy patch in this. Hopefully as it dries the mint will subside and patch will bloom.
10 minutes: Patch is here! Still faint but he's coming!!!
Oh! Here's the scent desc: In the wild, unadulterated lands of the free, grows the mint patchouli tree. Earthy, cool, and refreshing. Patchouli, spearmint, peppermint and pennyroyal.
I got it right! I got it right! Doublemint!! Hahaha.
OMG when I go from smelling Mint Patch to smelling Pickled Punk...I kinda like Pickled Punk now! That odd smell is gone now after 25 minutes. Or my nose is broke from the mint it's been inhaling. LOL
Patch is peeking around the corner!! He's 10% here!!
1 1/2 hours later: Patch is here!!! No more mint, just incredible edible patchouli!!!!
Pickled Punk
Adorable name!! Yellow in color, would I have expected anything different? Hell no!!
Fruity in the vial. Lemony. Pretty difficult to even smell it so I have to put some on my hand immediately. The first initial impression I have is Yuck. LOL There's something in this I don't like. Something weird smelling and it's hard to put a word to it. The top note is a bright and fruity but the base is that weird smell. This has an oddly candyish tickle. Not sure I like this though. Even as it dries it's not getting much better. Like spoiled candy. meh
I actually found a scent description: When two become one, what once was is now forever...only never to be. Ghastly to some. Fascinating to others. A medical marvel to all. This bicephalic form floats, peaceful, in a man-made womb with a view...perfectly preserved for your curiosity and pleasure.
Tangerine, pink pepper, talc
I think it's the talc that's making this nauseous to me, because I like tangerine and pink pepper in oils. I won't be keeping this. Blech.
Well since that was a bust --gonna do another one....Should I give Good Judy a chance to redeem herself? of course!!
How about Mint Patch!?
I'm wringing my hands with this one because I KNOW I WILL LOVE IT!!!!! hehe
Dark in color. YES!!! It's a good sign!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That's some mint!! And a mint I haven't smelled yet in an oil. A different flavor of mint for sure. Spearmint, it's gotta be! Wrigley's Doublemint Gum in the green wrapper. And that's all I am getting from the vial.
On the hand: WOW! this cleans out the nose. Stuffed up? Gotta cold? No more! Yeeeeowwwsaaa!!
Crazy ass mint even as it's drying. I'd expected the patch to come out. Nope. Nada. Denied. I am lovin me some Mint Patch! I'm freaking going to have to wear this to work and freak people out. I am getting the barest glimpse of my buddy patch in this. Hopefully as it dries the mint will subside and patch will bloom.
10 minutes: Patch is here! Still faint but he's coming!!!
Oh! Here's the scent desc: In the wild, unadulterated lands of the free, grows the mint patchouli tree. Earthy, cool, and refreshing. Patchouli, spearmint, peppermint and pennyroyal.
I got it right! I got it right! Doublemint!! Hahaha.
OMG when I go from smelling Mint Patch to smelling Pickled Punk...I kinda like Pickled Punk now! That odd smell is gone now after 25 minutes. Or my nose is broke from the mint it's been inhaling. LOL
Patch is peeking around the corner!! He's 10% here!!
1 1/2 hours later: Patch is here!!! No more mint, just incredible edible patchouli!!!!
I smell gooooooooooooooooooot!!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
My American Indian theme jacket I decorated
Again, the video was too large for blogger so I had to use youtube. I talk too much. LOL
Again, the video was too large for blogger so I had to use youtube. I talk too much. LOL
Jacket that I decorated for myself--my first one!!
Again, the video was too big for blogger so I had to upload to youtube....
Jacket I decorated for my mom
The video is too large for blogger so I had to upload it to youtube.
Halloween wreath I made for myself.
Another Halloween wreath
Another wreath I made for my bestie. She loved it. I gave her 4 wreaths. I forgot to take pics of the 2 xmas wreaths I made her. I have to go up to her house so maybe I will take a few pics then. She was born on Halloween so I love making her Halloween wreaths. I still have a bunch of halloween stuff to make some more.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Blind picks
I decided to pull out the bpal in the 18th hole in my ammo box, since I was born on the 18th.
Clear in color.
Very mediciney in the vial. Piney bandaids. Minty too. Some spritely florals.
On the hand: Vetiver? I am getting some sunflower seed smell. This is an odd scent. Only slightly minty, but really bold and candy like too. Smells like warped candy necklaces. Candy necklaces with sandalwood. I like it yet I don't. It's still kind of odd smelling. This would be good on a man.
What's in this? Olive leaf, raspberry leaf, vetiver and cedarwood.
The raspberry is the candy, the cedarwood is the sandalwood and mint, and the olive is the oddness.
So I was able to describe what's in this just not the correct components. Not too bad. I have to let this sit a bit before I decide if I truly like it or not. I think I do but not a big bottle winner.
I pulled out number 25 since Jeff's BD is the 25th.
The faintest yellow color.
WOW! Another spearmint. OMG this IS a strong bandaid smell. This stinks in the vial. Ack. Mosquito spray. Super bubbly.
On the hand: Freaking cosmic starbursts. Clean and white. Toothpaste up the nose. Juicy Fruit gum combined with Wrigley's Doublemint. (when I smell Alecto now it's a smooth great candy smell)
I'm really liking both of these. Alecto is totally feminine now. These two really compliment each other and would be good for layering.
What's in Ulalume? Starry white lilies lend an eerie brightness to the deep black wooded scents of cypress and oak, layered with a touch of crushed dried leaves and the faintest aquatic note.
The aquatic note is NOT faint. I'm surprised I didn't guess ambergris because it feels like it's in here. Elizabeth (bpal's founder and oil creator) never reveals every scent in her oils. Otherwise other companies could duplicate them.
I had to take this pic of the most beautiful gerl in the werld.
Later: These two bpals ended up smelling almost identical to each other. No shit. Weird. Maybe that's another hint that me and Jeff are perfect for each other. :)
I decided to pull out the bpal in the 18th hole in my ammo box, since I was born on the 18th.
Clear in color.
Very mediciney in the vial. Piney bandaids. Minty too. Some spritely florals.
On the hand: Vetiver? I am getting some sunflower seed smell. This is an odd scent. Only slightly minty, but really bold and candy like too. Smells like warped candy necklaces. Candy necklaces with sandalwood. I like it yet I don't. It's still kind of odd smelling. This would be good on a man.
What's in this? Olive leaf, raspberry leaf, vetiver and cedarwood.
The raspberry is the candy, the cedarwood is the sandalwood and mint, and the olive is the oddness.
So I was able to describe what's in this just not the correct components. Not too bad. I have to let this sit a bit before I decide if I truly like it or not. I think I do but not a big bottle winner.
I pulled out number 25 since Jeff's BD is the 25th.
The faintest yellow color.
WOW! Another spearmint. OMG this IS a strong bandaid smell. This stinks in the vial. Ack. Mosquito spray. Super bubbly.
On the hand: Freaking cosmic starbursts. Clean and white. Toothpaste up the nose. Juicy Fruit gum combined with Wrigley's Doublemint. (when I smell Alecto now it's a smooth great candy smell)
I'm really liking both of these. Alecto is totally feminine now. These two really compliment each other and would be good for layering.
What's in Ulalume? Starry white lilies lend an eerie brightness to the deep black wooded scents of cypress and oak, layered with a touch of crushed dried leaves and the faintest aquatic note.
The aquatic note is NOT faint. I'm surprised I didn't guess ambergris because it feels like it's in here. Elizabeth (bpal's founder and oil creator) never reveals every scent in her oils. Otherwise other companies could duplicate them.
I had to take this pic of the most beautiful gerl in the werld.
Later: These two bpals ended up smelling almost identical to each other. No shit. Weird. Maybe that's another hint that me and Jeff are perfect for each other. :)
I'm on vacation this week. Next week is jury duty. Don't get me started.
Today I am watching Ellen and every time she flicks her tongue to the corner of her mouth I am going to take a swig of Bud Lite. I know Ellen would love this adventure I'm taking with her! Let's see how many beers I've drank by the end of the show shall we? Also in the process I will talk a bunch about nothing in particular. Crap, so to speak.
For one, the sun is blinding today (not complaining) and it's shining in my eyes through the blinds. Bah!! I don't tan but it feels a little burn-y. OH! My face, arms and chest are tan this year because of my new Miata.
See? Crap.
I need a word to type every time she flicks and I take a swig....Hmmmm....how about Swig!!??
That's it!
Okay. Fresh beer. Peed. Blocked the sunlight with a piece of paper taped to the window. Ready!!
(I'll post the time too)
4:02 Swig!!
She's dancing now.....I'd love to dance with her! She's so much fun and makes me laugh a lot.
I'm making pho broth too. I know! How do I do it!? ;)
4:08 Swig!!
4:08 again! Swig!!
4:09 Swig!!
It's smelling amazing in here. Anise......cinnamon.....cloves....
It's now 4:49. I need a swig.
No more tongue flicks.....Ellen you've disappointed me!!
RIP Aunt Helen. She was Ellen's aunt. It breaks my heart to hear of someone's death. So sorry, Ellen for your loss. I will be thinking of you and your family.
But you still let me down! I have half a beer left! And it's getting hot! Bah!
My house smells photastic!!
I used two of the flavor packets and also my own coffee filter tied with anise, cloves, a black cardamom pod, cinnamon sticks and coriander seeds. I want this broth heavily seasoned. I plan to freeze it in freezer bags for future pho cravings.
Today I am watching Ellen and every time she flicks her tongue to the corner of her mouth I am going to take a swig of Bud Lite. I know Ellen would love this adventure I'm taking with her! Let's see how many beers I've drank by the end of the show shall we? Also in the process I will talk a bunch about nothing in particular. Crap, so to speak.
For one, the sun is blinding today (not complaining) and it's shining in my eyes through the blinds. Bah!! I don't tan but it feels a little burn-y. OH! My face, arms and chest are tan this year because of my new Miata.
See? Crap.
I need a word to type every time she flicks and I take a swig....Hmmmm....how about Swig!!??
That's it!
Okay. Fresh beer. Peed. Blocked the sunlight with a piece of paper taped to the window. Ready!!
(I'll post the time too)
4:02 Swig!!
She's dancing now.....I'd love to dance with her! She's so much fun and makes me laugh a lot.
I'm making pho broth too. I know! How do I do it!? ;)
4:08 Swig!!
4:08 again! Swig!!
4:09 Swig!!
It's smelling amazing in here. Anise......cinnamon.....cloves....
It's now 4:49. I need a swig.
No more tongue flicks.....Ellen you've disappointed me!!
RIP Aunt Helen. She was Ellen's aunt. It breaks my heart to hear of someone's death. So sorry, Ellen for your loss. I will be thinking of you and your family.
But you still let me down! I have half a beer left! And it's getting hot! Bah!
My house smells photastic!!
I used two of the flavor packets and also my own coffee filter tied with anise, cloves, a black cardamom pod, cinnamon sticks and coriander seeds. I want this broth heavily seasoned. I plan to freeze it in freezer bags for future pho cravings.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Bpal-- Marianne and Made Up Chicken.
Bpal's Marianne is a plethora of Patch.
But first the vanilla wallop.
Reminds me a bit of Solitary and Abhorred, and Sentimental Initiation. Super fabulous patch scents.
Wall Street by BPAL is a patch too but it's harder. Biker hard.
Marianne is a sophisticated patchouli. Sensuous.
It seems like there's lots of vanilla. Sweetness. Sticky. Musky. The scent melds into you skin and makes an intoxicating wood candy. It's wet wood rolled in brown sugar. But better.
What's in this? Red musk, bergamot, black currant, mimosa, orchid, patchouli, and lotus root.
No vanilla. WTF! I reviewed on bpal forums about 2 years ago and totally forgot there was no vanilla. LOL
I love Ellen but I wish she'd stop flicking her tongue to the corner of her mouth. Drives me nuts!! Bah! LOVE YOU ELLEN!!
I need to find a new recipe for chicken breasts. I am thinking of cooking them in an enchilada sauce with onion, pablano peppers, garlic and green pepper slices. Then topping with some queso fresco.
Today I hit the Halloween City store for some stuff for wreaths, Gordmans for a new purse, the Mexican store for pablano peppers, ancho chilies, lard, and limes (they're cheap! 10 for a buck!!!), then to the Asian store for black cardamon pods, pho noodles, oxtails, leg and knuckle bones, cloves, rock sugar, sui mai, potstickers, ginger, and pho seasoning boxes.
I made pho again about 2 weeks ago (sorry Blogadelphia) and it turned out so good. In some of the youtube videos the people used the premade pho seasoning bags so I decided to buy some to see if I like it too. I do like making food from scratch better though. The packets smell amazing and just like pho so I'm gonna use them too.
I don't have any enchilada sauce so I am going to use Rick Bayless' (Frontera brand) Red Chile Barbacoa slow cook sauce.
It says it's for beef but I don't care. I'm such a rebel.
I took 3 frozen breasts and put them in my small enameled cast iron pot. Then I covered them with the Red Chile sauce, and one can of diced tomatoes. I think the chili sauce has enough garlic already so I'm not going to add any extra. I do think I will cut up some green pepper to add.
I used frozen breasts for a couple reasons. They will add some liquid during the cooking and by the time they are cooked through they will still be moist. I hope anyway.
I'm not a breast fan but Jeff is. Both kinds. He says he remembers me in the halls of high school because of my ta-tas.
I think chicken breasts are dry and tasteless. Gimme thighs anyday.
I decided to add some red bell pepper. The chile sauce is pretty pungent so I thought the red peppers would add some sweetness. I put the lid on it, and will take it off later so it can thicken. I don't dare add any pablanos. It's already spicy enough and Jeff will flip if it's too hot. Wimpy Chicken Shit, remember?
I'm not sure if I will make this into a chili or to eat on tortillas. Probably the latter. Jeff's going to poo poo it anyway because it has tomatoes in it. That's okay, there's a Burger King up the street! Ha! Nah, he'll eat it.....with some bitching, then he'll say, "That wasn't so bad, but it was too tomatoey." I know my man!! I do!!
I bought lard so I can make my own tortillas. That's the only way to make good homemade tortillas. I need baking powder though. I'll have to have Jeff pick some up. Plus some Guerrero uncooked tortillas.
LOVE THESE! It's all I buy anymore. No more tough premade tortillas! I cook them on a 10 inch round cast iron skillet. They are sublime.
It's only been a half hour since I put the chicken on and it smells crazy good in here!!
LATER: The chicken was perfect. Jeff didn't think it was spicy at all but my mouth was tingling, what's up with that?? I shredded it and had it in tortillas with onion, tomato, green pepper, and Mexican cheese. The red sauce was the perfect hot sauce to slather over the top. So far we've tried 4 flavors of those Frontera seasoning packets. They're a liquid. They've all been really, really good. I'm going to buy more.
Ironically as I was perusing the packets I still had on hand, I have the enchilada sauce one. So I did have enchilada sauce yesterday that I could've used for the chicken. But I'm glad I didn't see it! The Barbacoa sauce was perfect. I knew it'd be good with chicken!!
But first the vanilla wallop.
Reminds me a bit of Solitary and Abhorred, and Sentimental Initiation. Super fabulous patch scents.
Wall Street by BPAL is a patch too but it's harder. Biker hard.
Marianne is a sophisticated patchouli. Sensuous.
It seems like there's lots of vanilla. Sweetness. Sticky. Musky. The scent melds into you skin and makes an intoxicating wood candy. It's wet wood rolled in brown sugar. But better.
What's in this? Red musk, bergamot, black currant, mimosa, orchid, patchouli, and lotus root.
No vanilla. WTF! I reviewed on bpal forums about 2 years ago and totally forgot there was no vanilla. LOL
I love Ellen but I wish she'd stop flicking her tongue to the corner of her mouth. Drives me nuts!! Bah! LOVE YOU ELLEN!!
I need to find a new recipe for chicken breasts. I am thinking of cooking them in an enchilada sauce with onion, pablano peppers, garlic and green pepper slices. Then topping with some queso fresco.
Today I hit the Halloween City store for some stuff for wreaths, Gordmans for a new purse, the Mexican store for pablano peppers, ancho chilies, lard, and limes (they're cheap! 10 for a buck!!!), then to the Asian store for black cardamon pods, pho noodles, oxtails, leg and knuckle bones, cloves, rock sugar, sui mai, potstickers, ginger, and pho seasoning boxes.
I made pho again about 2 weeks ago (sorry Blogadelphia) and it turned out so good. In some of the youtube videos the people used the premade pho seasoning bags so I decided to buy some to see if I like it too. I do like making food from scratch better though. The packets smell amazing and just like pho so I'm gonna use them too.
I don't have any enchilada sauce so I am going to use Rick Bayless' (Frontera brand) Red Chile Barbacoa slow cook sauce.
It says it's for beef but I don't care. I'm such a rebel.
I took 3 frozen breasts and put them in my small enameled cast iron pot. Then I covered them with the Red Chile sauce, and one can of diced tomatoes. I think the chili sauce has enough garlic already so I'm not going to add any extra. I do think I will cut up some green pepper to add.
I used frozen breasts for a couple reasons. They will add some liquid during the cooking and by the time they are cooked through they will still be moist. I hope anyway.
I'm not a breast fan but Jeff is. Both kinds. He says he remembers me in the halls of high school because of my ta-tas.
I think chicken breasts are dry and tasteless. Gimme thighs anyday.
I decided to add some red bell pepper. The chile sauce is pretty pungent so I thought the red peppers would add some sweetness. I put the lid on it, and will take it off later so it can thicken. I don't dare add any pablanos. It's already spicy enough and Jeff will flip if it's too hot. Wimpy Chicken Shit, remember?
I'm not sure if I will make this into a chili or to eat on tortillas. Probably the latter. Jeff's going to poo poo it anyway because it has tomatoes in it. That's okay, there's a Burger King up the street! Ha! Nah, he'll eat it.....with some bitching, then he'll say, "That wasn't so bad, but it was too tomatoey." I know my man!! I do!!
I bought lard so I can make my own tortillas. That's the only way to make good homemade tortillas. I need baking powder though. I'll have to have Jeff pick some up. Plus some Guerrero uncooked tortillas.
LOVE THESE! It's all I buy anymore. No more tough premade tortillas! I cook them on a 10 inch round cast iron skillet. They are sublime.
It's only been a half hour since I put the chicken on and it smells crazy good in here!!
LATER: The chicken was perfect. Jeff didn't think it was spicy at all but my mouth was tingling, what's up with that?? I shredded it and had it in tortillas with onion, tomato, green pepper, and Mexican cheese. The red sauce was the perfect hot sauce to slather over the top. So far we've tried 4 flavors of those Frontera seasoning packets. They're a liquid. They've all been really, really good. I'm going to buy more.
Ironically as I was perusing the packets I still had on hand, I have the enchilada sauce one. So I did have enchilada sauce yesterday that I could've used for the chicken. But I'm glad I didn't see it! The Barbacoa sauce was perfect. I knew it'd be good with chicken!!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Perverted Sunday Gravy
I was making some spaghetti sauce the other day and decided to brown some Graziano hot sausage. Usually I toss it into the sauce raw and let it cook that way. Never sauted it first before. So I tossed it in and took a look a bit later and here's what I saw.
I get the big one!! hehe
I do make a mean spaghetti sauce. With or without big sausages.....
Fuzzy Fly Gerl:
I had to make it a youtube video because blogger kept erroring. (I was making dried liver in the dehydrator for the dawgs. Jeff HATES liver. hehe)
Obviously fly stalking is normal for GSDs.
I do make a mean spaghetti sauce. With or without big sausages.....
Fuzzy Fly Gerl:
I had to make it a youtube video because blogger kept erroring. (I was making dried liver in the dehydrator for the dawgs. Jeff HATES liver. hehe)
Obviously fly stalking is normal for GSDs.
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