Saturday, December 7, 2013

How to paint a blue sky world

I painted our bedroom sky blue with clouds. In 2005. The theme is Jimmy Buffett with hanging lanterns, parrots, beach scenes etc. My house is so cheap. I love it. LOL

I am watching The Conjuring. Fucking music is freaking me out the most with this movie.
The first thing wrong with the movie is that they find this boarded up secret cellar room. Five minutes later he's in the same cellar room telling the wife that he's going to try to get the furnace going and she says, Yeah it's cold in here. Okay their furnace for the house is in a secret cellar that was found by  two of the daughters playing and one of their elbows knocks a hole in the wall. Wouldn't you have been looking at the house to buy it and saying.....Hey, where's the furnace to this old house? Wouldn't your hired professional home inspector have found the cellar?? Yeah, I can't get on board this bad hack at a scary movie. Some key parts in the movie were played by less than good actors, so that added to the unbelievableness. Yep, new word?, I just made it up. I loved the music though.

Now I am watching Monty Python's Holy Grail.

He must be a King.
Because he hasn't got shit all over him.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Haaaaaaaaaa!

Shut Up!
You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you.

How do you know she is a witch?
Well she turned me into a newt.
A newt?
I got better.
Burn her anyway!

Rachel Welch needs to write a book and tell her beauty secrets. Have you seen her lately? She's like 70-ish and looks incredible. That's a lot of work. I mean for her. She worked at it and it paid off, and she had good advice, great plastic surgeons, and/or just innately knew what worked, or has good genes.

I have my Christmas lights on, along the ceiling.

To paint a room sky blue with clouds.  
First pick a good sky blue. Not too bright, not too dark, a true sky blue that's easy on the eyes. Paint the whole room blue, including the ceiling.Then take a faux sheep's wool car washing mitt and get it wet. Then press the end into some white paint with glaze. Two parts glaze, one part white.You want the paint minutely on the end of the mitt.  After dipping the end into the paint, rub the mitt onto an empty plastic paint tray to get the paint lighter and mixed on the mitt. You want to create swirling cloud mists all over the room. Very lightly. If you need to dip the end in water again then swirl again, then do it. Start close to the floor and do a test swipe. Makes wave like motions. Is it light enough to look like wispy clouds?  If not you need to rub the mitt end onto the paint tray again. If it is, then makes some swipes and keep moving across the wall. Once the swipes are perfectly light, then you want to do the main focal area of the wall, which is about 5 feet and up. You'll get the hang of it after awhile and create perfect cloud swirls all over every wall. Make sure that in some places you take the swipe on the wall and pull it onto the ceiling. This way it'll look like once continuous sky and not 4 walls and a ceiling.
Now add some more white paint to the paint mixture. Just enough so that the clouds you will be making are opaque in spots, yet have grayed edges so they don't look like comic book clouds. Dip the end of the damp mitt into the paint again, smoosh onto the paint tray to blend,  and start dotting it onto the wall. Remember no clouds are identical or perfect so go to town and make all kinds of shapes and sizes. Be sure to not make them exactly the same distance apart (a mistake I made), otherwise that will look fake too. The wispy clouds will tone down the blue and make it look a little more believable. I've been meaning to create some winged birds amongst the clouds but haven't gotten around to it. If you're really artistic, get some gray paint and add storm clouds on one wall. I'd graduate the white paint with the gray to create multilayered clouds. I think that'd be cool. 

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