Friday, November 14, 2014

Candy Flavor Lip Gloss but no lipstick and 2 Nocturne Alchemy scentsations

I'm not much of a lippie girl. (that means 'into lipstick, gloss, etc') my lips are pretty dark naturally but too thin to wear lipsticks. It just calls attention to their thinness. Is that a word? Is it thiness? Nope, blogger is flaggin the thiness with red...... And flaggin....since I left off the g. That's the way I talk by the way and no I aint Southern.
But I have this Lip Smackers Candy Flavor Lip Gloss that I got from my work secret santa about 8 years ago. I know. Yeah, I still use it. Usually when I wear anything on my lips, especially balms, it makes my throat scratchy. But this stuff doesn't. And it's not made any more!! I know right? Plus it's a nice shiny gloss. It's in square tube, instead of the normal round tube. I can't even find it on Ebay and that's usually where I find every vintage thing I want. Booooooooo!

We have a little stray gray calico cat that we're feeding. She started coming around about 6 weeks ago. She has this really high pitched meow...just like a little girl. I've been calling her several names trying to find one that fits. Ki Ki Dee was one of them.  I've settled on Sisi. It just seems to fit her. She doesn't like being held. And she's really little, like she stopped growing or is just really young. She stays outside the fence so the dawgs don't get her and we feed her canned cat food. She just came back today after being gone for three days. We figured she'd either gotten ran over or her owners had brought her in since it's gotten cold and snowy around here. I don't want her, nor do I want to bring her in but it was nice seeing that she was okay. She was hungry too. Gobbled like a pig.
She can eat two cans of cat food then her little belly is just loaded and bulging. LOL  No more cats for us...especially females. They are way too temperamental. Give me an orange tom cat any day. At one time we had 13 cats. That's a lot. Since we've lost 3 in the last year, we're down to one now. Yeah, call me Cat Lady all you want. I admit it. I own that.

Do you ever just catch yourself singing this song??

I do.

For 4 years now. Catchy little bugger.

Reading someone else's blog/website/twitter/you tube video/facebook/pinterest page can set you up to spend money. Like if they tell you a makeup foundation is the greatest thing they've ever used, or they describe a perfume that just locks it down for you. If I went back and calculated how much I've spent on other people's suggestions.....that'd be half my wages. Am I really that gullible and susceptible? Have I no mind of my own? NO!! I don't!! Well, okay, I do...but sounds so good it's hard to resist.

Take hair products, for instance. I have fine hair. I don't mean fine as in good, I mean fine as in skinny! So I see products recommended to add volume to my hair. I buy them. The product weighs my hair down and it's flatter than it began. I have to be careful. My hair is also oily so oily products make it oilier (<<is that a word?!), and weighed down and skinnier. Then if I buy a product high in alcohol to counteract the oiliness, it makes my hair flyaway and frizzy. Can I never win?  Obviously not.

Hopefully my posts have broke some people out there. Paybacks are hell. But I'm just paying it forward. LOL

I taught Ava how to pick meat off of chicken wings. Here's a video. It's kind of dark but probably a good thing since I need to vacuum.

She uses her little front teeth to pull the meat from the bone. She's very precise. Like eating corn. She was really hungry when I shot this so she wasn't as 'delicate' as she usually is. I also let her pull the cartilage ends off. She seems to know when she's grabbed bone because she will back off a bit. I won't let them eat chicken or pork bones because they splinter. Stark couldn't eat the meat off the bone if his life depended on it. I have to pull it off for him. He's so spoiled and such a wimp. Ava's great with chicken legs too. Both of them know how to eat off forks though. Just like a human. LOL

I got a couple new Nocturne Alchemy oils the other day.

One was Crystal Heart of Ra---OMG Deeply green musky goodness.

Exquisite Dragons resin, Egyptian frankincense and myrrh with exotic vanilla bean

The other was Shadow: Dragons of Egypt:  Sekh-ba-RA -crisp and clean, inhaling spring air

The Lionesse Dragon of Influence and Power and one of the three daughters of RA.  She is vulnerable only when asleep.  She can maneuver thought with a glance of her eyes.  Her skin is the colour of yellow gold and her wings the vibrance of a fire under the poise of the sun.   Her scent is the perfume of her home on the water island.  Beauty and bounty in one.
 White Egyptian Tea Leaf, White Egyptian Musk, Rosewood, Arabian and Egyptian Sandalwood,  Coriander and Bergamot.

 Both are amazing scents. If I had to choose one it'd be Crystal Heart of Ra. It's that sweet musky scent that I gravitate toward.
Both are complex and worthy of purchase.

I'm stealing my seller's pic. Me bad.

Here's the music that fits these two scents.

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