Tuesday, June 10, 2014

We (written on May 25th, posted on June 10th)

picked our dogs up from the kennel today. They'd been there 9 days. We actually stayed in New Orleans a day longer than normal and on a Friday too. We usually leave on a Friday morning. They freak out when we show up to get them. It's funny, embarrassing, and a cluster fuck. Stark's screaming at the top of his lungs and flying all over the place like a crazed animal. Ava's whining, moaning and shaking. They both lose weight when they are there and it pisses me off that we get them fat again.
Mojo, the cat, was basically traumatized not having anything or anyone home. He screamed the first hour we were home. He'd watch me walk down the hall into the pantry to put something away (30 seconds) and then start bellowing. I'd look around the corner at him and say, "Really?"

We have a wild mallard male duck living in our pool. We haven't taken the cover off yet. I don't know if he showed up while we were gone but we didn't notice him until today when we started grilling out.
I'm starting to thing he marked his territory while we were gone. When we first saw him tonight, I fed him some bread then he flew away. I jokingly said it'd be crazy if he came back.
He did.
He's out there swimming around and it's midnight.
I look out the back door and can see him.

The two vids are earlier in the night.

Our animals are wore out. Literally.
This is even before the dogs come home. ^^^^^^

New Orleans. Is that a trip or what?

Wake up.
Leave hotel.
Drink (me).
Crash in room.

I have a freaking wild duck living in my pool!!

I've been googling what to feed ducks.

I'm so tired and worn out from New Orleans that I could drop on the carpet and fall asleep.

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