Friday, March 14, 2014

Pinterest Peeves and Picks!

Okay, since I discovered Pinterest some months ago, here's what I've found.

Most recipe PINS are fake. Yep. Fake links. Mother effers. I report every last one of them too. I pray that a hex/black magic spell is cast over every single original fake pinner. God will get you. Whether it's cancer, a fatal car accident, your house being swallowed by a hole or your favorite child being'll get yours. What goes around will come around and paybacks are hell. You suck and you know it.

I've become addicted to:

Mini Gardens
Lace Clothing
Steampunk Jewelry
Stupid funny animal pictures.
Books (well, that was always an addiction but it's been magnified like a billion times)
Great Quotes
Crafts (yeah, I did crafts already but now I have like 100 new ones....sigh)
Tattoos (did you know there's black light tattoos that show up under black light? Yeah me either)
Melted crayons (self explanatory if you Pin)
Rustic Kitchens
Crazy Eye Makeup
Old Decrepit Houses
and outing people on their misspellings.

Why am I so anal on spelling???? I don't know!!! It's a curse!! Curse those original fake link pinners! Not me! Whaaaaa!

Okay. Let's do a review. I have those Lou Lou's remember?? The little bottles these came in are adorable.


Blue label in a dark, dark amber bottle so I don't know what color the oil is. Does it matter? NO! So why do I give the color of the oil? I don't know! It's probably a carry over from the BPAL forum.

This was a freebie too and she did good. (Lou Lou) Foodie. Spicy like cookies and cake. Reminds me of the oils my Dad carried in his headshop. I can't place the smell but I know when I see the description I will say--oh yeah!! Cherry? Cinnamon? Haven't a clue and I need to look and that's not like me....
 red wine, coffee, cola, cigarette smoke, candy, cupcakes, fresh fruit, amber, musk, vanilla, rose, and lavender

I get the cola, that's it! I can actually get all of those in this. Wow. It's unique, unlike another oil that I've ever smelled. Although the ingredients seem light and fruity, this is actually deep and dark with a lift. Smoky coffee. I love it and I haven't even put it on my skin yet.

Berries, wine, cinnamon, smoke, cakey.. that's what I get on my skin. I took my hand and stuck it up under Jeff's nose and asked him what it smelled like. He took several whiffs and says "Warm cherry blossoms". OMG he's good. He's right too. I love this. Big bottle winner. I'm going to order more of this one.

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