Sunday, March 30, 2014

Blind Review because it's been a while!!!!!

Not only been a while since I've posted at any great length but also since I posted a review. I got a slew of vials from ebay the other day. There's about 5 different companies, some bpal, Possets, House of Gloi....etc etc

The blind pick I just pulled from the bag is from Solstice Scents.


Looks to be slightly yellow. The label is large and I can only see a teeny bit of the oil between the top and the label so I could be wrong.

Ooo, this is going to be a difficult one to decipher.
In the vial: slightly sweet, florally, musk and maybe some coconut?
On the back of the hand: Ambery, there's some sharp musk or patch, kind of foody too, like honey, cinnamon tea. Yeah as it dries that sharpness is coming out more. It started smooth in the vial but it's changing. Pine, I think that's what it is? It's like a smooth cookie with some mint. This is so hard to describe. Hope I can find what's in it.

A magical blend of Vanilla, Amber, Cedar, Spices & Cauldron Smoke. 

Oh, Wow. I should have gotten the vanilla because that is usually what makes a scent foodie to me. But I am flabbergasted that I was so close with the amber and cedar. Exactly. I get the smoke now too. I'm really, really liking this one. It's intriguing and would be so good to smell this on the neck of someone in a dark bar. Don't worry, I only hit bars with my man, and only while in New Orleans. We're just not 'bar folk'. It got to 70 degrees here today! Finally, man this has been a long hard winter. Lots of cold, lots of snow. It's supposed to be 39 again on Wednesday. Bah.
I almost got Loo-Cee out

but it was a chilly 70, not a full sun warm 70. We're grilling out a rib eye for me and a sirloin for Jeff. Also going to make some grilled cauliflower with parmesan. It's a recipe I found on Pinterest.

Roasted Cauliflower with Parmesan and Bread Crumbs1 head cauliflower, cut into 1/2 -1 inch florets1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs, (I USED GLUTEN FREE BY ALEIA’S)1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan (I CONFESS, I DON’T MEASURE AND I’M SURE I USE MORE!!!!)1/4 cup olive oil (AGAIN, I DON’T MEASURE BUT MAKE SURE THE FLORETS ARE WELL COATED!!!!!!Salt and pepper to taste Preheat oven to 400º. Toss florets with olive oil, bread crumbs and cheese. Spread in a single layer on jelly roll sheet lined with nonstick foil. Season with salt and pepper. (since I use a lot of cheese I often don’t need the salt) Roast 30-40 minutes, until nicely browned!!!! (we like ourS verrrry browned!!!)

Above is the actual recipe. Of course I had to change it up.

I don't use the bread crumbs because it doesn't need it. But I do add garlic salt. 1/2 head cauliflower cut into florets and put into a gallon size ziplock. Add 1/4 cup canola oil, 1/2 tsp garlic salt, 1/4 cup parmesan cheese and some salt and pepper to taste. Pour onto a cookie sheet and baked at 350 for 1/2 hour then increased temp to 400 for 5 minutes.

I go easy on the salt since the parmesan is also salty. It's just so good!

Smooth jazz by Sade.

Monday, March 24, 2014


If I only knew magic I'd have another way to torment my dawgs!!

Nocturne Alchemy--again!

I received three bottles of NA this week. The Underworld, Shadow Amber Venom and Sobek.

OMG I'm in love with them all. So in love that I'd marry them. Yep, I'd risk being a polygamist and going to jail.

I'd suffer eating veg-a-tebles for breakfast, veg-a-tebles for lunch and veg-a-tebles for dinner!!!!!

Only those that have seen that prison movie know what I'm talking about.  Was Farrah Fawcett in that? I forget. It was a black woman screaming that. It's the only thing I remember about that movie. I was a young white my memory is faint....
(I saved this as a draft and after I posted the above I totally went on a Farrah Fawcett youtube video montage...I. Know...This post might take a while..)

Shadow Amber Venom : Shadow Amber, Black Amber Resin, Nokturne: Hessonite (Egyptian Patchouli), Black Sandalwood, Black Temple NA Incense, Black Vanilla & Black Myrrh Resin.

It's intense! Sharp incense and patch. Just what you'd expect from a headshop smell. The amber and vanilla tempers it only a bit. Sour bite. Hellish. Strickly hippie. I love it.

The Underworld : Cedarwood, Neroli, Osmanthus, Black Rose, Patchouli.

Sweeter than Amber Venom. Not sharp but still patchy, with a good chunk of rose. Almost cinnamon-y. The tang leaves as it dries and it gets more rosey. This is crazy good the next day. It gets deeply soft, vanilla and skin.

Sobek : Sobek is green and aquatic just a touch. I'm listening to this:


Slight putridness. Mint. Must be pine. This is taking a fork and scraping it down a young saple pine tree, reaching the pungent inside. Hits you like a ton of bricks. Wham! It has that manly cologne smell too, in a way. I like it. It'd be perfect for soap because it's strong and would linger on the skin. That's why I like citrus soaps. I've said before that I tend to be a patch/deep gal but since BPAL I like just about all scents.

Verdict: all are keepers. The Underworld won over the other two in the end. The way it smelled once it melted into my skin was wonderful.

Friday, March 14, 2014


Do you think your sister is prettier than me?

OMG I went on google and typed in 'crazy woman'.... then I clicked on 'images'. Holy

pffffft. <remember what that word means to me (see below----way below). That's a righteous plethora of shit!
I just added 2 more ffs up there....<pointing up>

Into the fffffffft.

I'm reading Stephen King's Duma Key. Great book. Great even if one of the 6 doors in my work's basement, popped open while reading Duma Key on my lunch hour.  On it's own. Don't know what's up with that but it happened.
I'm not a believer of ghosts, although I've seen two in  my  lifetime.
 Don't believe me? That's for me to say and you to find out.

Pinterest Peeves and Picks!

Okay, since I discovered Pinterest some months ago, here's what I've found.

Most recipe PINS are fake. Yep. Fake links. Mother effers. I report every last one of them too. I pray that a hex/black magic spell is cast over every single original fake pinner. God will get you. Whether it's cancer, a fatal car accident, your house being swallowed by a hole or your favorite child being'll get yours. What goes around will come around and paybacks are hell. You suck and you know it.

I've become addicted to:

Mini Gardens
Lace Clothing
Steampunk Jewelry
Stupid funny animal pictures.
Books (well, that was always an addiction but it's been magnified like a billion times)
Great Quotes
Crafts (yeah, I did crafts already but now I have like 100 new ones....sigh)
Tattoos (did you know there's black light tattoos that show up under black light? Yeah me either)
Melted crayons (self explanatory if you Pin)
Rustic Kitchens
Crazy Eye Makeup
Old Decrepit Houses
and outing people on their misspellings.

Why am I so anal on spelling???? I don't know!!! It's a curse!! Curse those original fake link pinners! Not me! Whaaaaa!

Okay. Let's do a review. I have those Lou Lou's remember?? The little bottles these came in are adorable.


Blue label in a dark, dark amber bottle so I don't know what color the oil is. Does it matter? NO! So why do I give the color of the oil? I don't know! It's probably a carry over from the BPAL forum.

This was a freebie too and she did good. (Lou Lou) Foodie. Spicy like cookies and cake. Reminds me of the oils my Dad carried in his headshop. I can't place the smell but I know when I see the description I will say--oh yeah!! Cherry? Cinnamon? Haven't a clue and I need to look and that's not like me....
 red wine, coffee, cola, cigarette smoke, candy, cupcakes, fresh fruit, amber, musk, vanilla, rose, and lavender

I get the cola, that's it! I can actually get all of those in this. Wow. It's unique, unlike another oil that I've ever smelled. Although the ingredients seem light and fruity, this is actually deep and dark with a lift. Smoky coffee. I love it and I haven't even put it on my skin yet.

Berries, wine, cinnamon, smoke, cakey.. that's what I get on my skin. I took my hand and stuck it up under Jeff's nose and asked him what it smelled like. He took several whiffs and says "Warm cherry blossoms". OMG he's good. He's right too. I love this. Big bottle winner. I'm going to order more of this one.

OMG where have I been !!???

Pffffffffffffft. Forgot I had a blog again. hehe

Not much happening here. Dead cat is still in my freezer until the ground thaws. What?! I didn't tell you that Cindy's in my freezer? yeah. Since January. Sick huh? Every time I open it I say Hi Cindy Woo. Actually it's the freezer we use the least considering we have 2 refrigerators and one tall freezer. We have a looooooooooooooooooot of food for two people. I think I'm a hoarder and it all stems from when me and Jeff were broke and had nothing. There was a time once that he broke his leg during a softball game ( he was first baseman) and the guy from the other team knew Jeff was going to get him out so he held his foot in the air as he was sliding so he could hit my husband's leg and knock him down. Knock him down hell...he broke his leg! Jeff couldn't work and I only worked part time making 100 bucks a week, and before work comp could kick in we had no money to buy food. We lived on peanut and jelly for three days and didn't even have any money to buy another loaf of bread. Jeff's mom must have figured it out because she came over with 2 paper bags (those old fashioned big ones-there wasn't plastic bags then!) full of food. OMG I about wept. She's just the best MIL ever. She leaves us alone too. Doesn't pry or tell us how to live. She's the greatest.

The ground this winter in DSM is frozen to a depth of 23 inches. They said it'll be May before it thaws and we could have a drought because the rainwater won't penetrate. Well, my Cindy Woo won't be penetrating either. pffffft She's in a box so it's not all that bad. That's what I keep telling myself. Poor thing.

Making homemade pizza again tonight. I tell ya....I make a mean pizza if I do say so myself.

And this is why I NEVER BATHE MY CATS!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cooper and Daisy and otherssss

OMG I laughed out loud!!

So sweeeet. They will never have another dog like him. How precious.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lou Lou order

I got my Lou Lou goodies!! Woot!

She gave me as extras some bubblegum soap--smells just like Bubble Yum! No crap!! It has glitter in it too, she has no idea the monster's she born, does she.....hehehe

Also got a small vial of Addiction oil, and a small pot of solid perfume called Princesses & Playtime. I can tell I love that one already. Nicholette too. I also found amongst all my oils that I also have a bottle of her Mojito oil. It's super limey and I've never wore it yet. So I will have some reviewing to do!!

Tonight I am making Asian riblets. I'm making it up as I go along so bear with me. So far I have the riblets wrapped in foil in a 350 degree (f) oven and I sprinkled them with

Urban Accents' Ginger Szechwan blend, garlic powder, onion powder, ground ginger and some ground black pepper. Going to let them cook for 1 hour at 350 then I will turn it down to 250 for the rest of the cook time. I haven't decided yet what sauce to put on them yet. I know I am going to use hoisin and oyster sauce....but beyond that's a mystery. LOL
Like I said, bear with me.
Jeff's gonna crap his pants if I tell him what's on them. That's why I'm going to lie. Shhhh, ancient Chinese secret between you and me....

I'm going to peruse the net for Asian sauce recipes and blend my own. The Ginger Szechwan blend isn't spicy at all here's a link. Most people associate Szechwan with least I do.  I love this company...

I bought a quinoa mix and I don't know what the hell to do with it! I stare at it when I'm in the pantry and try to think of ideas on what to do with it. So far, no good. bah! It's pretty to look at though. It really is. See?

Told ya.

Jeff's home now and hasn't asked what we're having. I need to come up with something soon though, I can feeeeeeeeeeel it.

Sticky Riblets.

That'll hold him for about 2.2 seconds. Sticky riblets with maple syrup and five spice powder. Guess I just figured out what else to add to the hoisin and oyster sauces, eh?

That reminds me. I want a waffle maker. I love waffles. Plus it's the perfect breakfast dish to get both of our diabetes all riled up! Growing old sucks if you like to eat but not exercise. bah! I'm not full blown diabetic yet but it's coming......

He just asked me what I'm cooking! Sticky riblets! What? Sticky riblets! What's that?

Ut oh.

He just came up behind me and says, "What are we having?" I say, "Sticky riblets."
He says, "Oh God." and walked away. ROFLMAO

I'm in some trouble here unless they come out really, really good!!


PS They were excellent!!