Saturday, January 4, 2014

Life's Joys

Jumping into bed with two lovable German Shepherds and a fat orange cat who purrs so loud that it lulls all of us into a nap.

Bringing my Miata out of hibernation and whizzing down the freeway with the top down in 70 degree weather. Zoooom!

Finding a new BPAL oil that satisfies all my inner longings.

A Lush bath.

Finding a recipe online and realizing I have all the ingredients, making it for the first time, and it's fabulous.

A Friday night.

Seeing our crabapple tree in full bloom.

Christmas lights.

A great margarita.

The French Quarter.


Watching Beaches while it's raining.

Watching Under the Tuscan Sun anytime.

Tossing unsalted peanuts in the shell out the front door for the squirrels and blue jays.

Praying to God and it works. (Never failed yet)

Listening to my younger brother tell a story because he's a hoot.

Keeping a plant alive longer than two years. I have 3 right now. The rest- DEAD.


Sam and Gabe's Restaurant.

Our King Ranch F-150, 6 years old with 37,000 miles and remote start. I love my truck. LOVE MY TRUCK!

Making wreaths.


Making a stranger laugh.



My best friend. Named Lori too.

Her daughter's handmade jewelry.


Vacationing in a cabin with the dogs.

Frogs and toads.

Earthworms too.

A new pair of fashion boots.

When I look all schleppy and my husband thinks I'm sexy.

A nice message/discussion board. Some can be mean! Shameful!

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