Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I've got to get thru these 350 imps!!

That I have yet to smell, let alone review.

Okay, blind pick:

The First Encounter

Okay.....the name is reminding of that movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Here, have a movie.
Back to the BPAL. <smirk>
Cloying floral. That's the first thought. It has that putrid smell that I really need to track down to figure out what it is.  Something icky when I smell it. Like vomit. Vomit covered with an aerosol room spray.
On the hand....yeah Vomit Flower. Maybe it's orchid? This isn't bad, just not super good. Jasmine? I love jasmine but there's some jasmine's that are just over the top and too much. This is that. blech. I bet it's nice after a couple hours but this is so strong right now. It'd be good for bath bombs.
What's in this?
She was only half-dressed
And equally bare trees tossed
Their few leaves against the window pane
Playfully and with reckless abandon.

Sprawling half naked in my desk chair,
Hands pressed modestly against her pale breasts,
She tapped small, delicate feet on the floor
Betraying sweet anticipation.

Her body was the colour of wax, and I watched
As an eager little ray of light
Fluttered across her laughing lips,
Across her peeking breast, like an insect on the rose-bush.

I knelt and kissed her little ankles.
She laughed softly and produced
A perfect string of clear trills,
A delightful crystal laugh.

Her delicate feet disappeared
Underneath her: “Stop! You’re so naughty!”
Yet the first act of daring permitted,
She pretended to punish me only with a laugh!

I rose and kissed her eyelids softly.
They trembled beneath my lips, poor things:
And she tossed her head back, eyes shining…
“You’re not trying to take advantage of me…are you?

“If you are, darling, you know I’ll have to–”
But I silenced the protest, dipping my mouth to her breast,
Which caused an explosion of ringing laughter
And she opened herself willingly…

She was only half-dressed
And equally bare trees tossed
Their few leaves against the window pane
Playfully and with reckless abandon.

- Arthur Rimbaud

Candied apricot and orange blossom honey with grandiflorum jasmine, orris C02, tonka, patchouli, quince, and skin musk.
Jasmine!!!!!  mwahahahahaha
Jasmine sometimes just reeks! I don't get any patch, but I do smell the orange blossom....another fave of mine. I will have to see how this dries. Right now it's annoying.
This reeked until just about 4 hours in, then it was quite nice. No big bottle, and imp is MORE than enuf!

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