yeah, I'm eating more now. I can eat ribeye steaks rare to med rare. That's how I used to eat them anyway so it's all good.
I can eat hot Italian sausage again! It used to be too hot. The radiation in my mouth made it super sensitive, in fact the first 6 months after treatment I couldn't even eat black pepper sprinkled on food. I can't tell you how disappointed I was not being able to eat hot foods. That was literally quite devastating to me. I mean, I used to go into Chinese food restaurants and order 5 star hotness. They'd look at me and say, 5 stah!? And I'd say, yeah, 5 Stah! LOL I actually won an award by eating a thai meal called Angry Dish once. I got a certificate in the mail because I had ate it all. I swear to GOD the next day my butthole hurt when I went to the bathroom.
Tonight I am making homemade pizza and onion rings. If you want THE BEST onion ring recipe then google Ina Garten's recipe. My little brother told me about it and that's all I use anymore. Follow the directions exactly. Don't add more corn meal like I did once. NOT THE SAME! Stick to the recipe. I promise you won't be disappointed.