Thursday, October 30, 2014

TouTube commercials suck.

Who decided to have commercials on youtube anyway? I'd like to know. So I could shoot them with a BB gun about 10,000 times. Wouldn't kill them but it'd freaking hurt like a bitch.

Hmm, maybe 10,000 bb shots would kill them....?

Maybe I need to rethink that.

10,000 rubber band shots? Yeah, there ya go.

Why the hell do I have to watch a 15 second commercial before the first video I watch for the day? I'm adept at clicking 'skip ad' now. I have it down to a science.

I'm not a big Beatles fan but I do remember listening to this album with headphones on when I was a teenager. My mom and dad had just built a family room and put in a nice (at that time) stereo system. 200 watt speakers... the works. JVC speakers. I remember that too. My dad had his own TV repair shop so he was pretty 'up' on what audio equipment sounded good and what we needed to have. I'm talking the mid to late 70's.

I also remember my best friend (still my best friend Lori) came down (we were in 8th grade--1976)and saw that we had Electric Light Orchestra's album A New World Record (1976) and freaked out because she loved it (I'd never listened to it. My dad also liked Pink Floyd and had all their albums) and made me play Telephone Line and it was instant love for me. ELO became my first favorite group.

Then later in life like 7 years when I moved in with Jeff I found he had ELO's Out of the Blue Album. I knew I liked him for a reason and it wasn't just the great sex.  hahahaha
Isn't this song Telephone Line awesome? Are you listening to it? You better!!!
I was a fan of ELO for many many years....they were my fave band until I heard the song God Shuffled His Feet by Crash Test Dummies (1993). I bought the album and I had found a new fave band.
Ended up buying ALL their albums too. Every album is different than another but they are all really good. ELO tended to sound the same in all their songs and albums. Nothing wrong with that. Crash Test Dummies remained my fave band until 2003 when I heard Clumsy Card House on the radio by Blue October. I bought the live 2 cd album Argue With A Tree. Love. Instant love. Have all their albums. Saw them in concert..... haven't ELO or CTD.
It's now 2014 and I have yet to find another fave band. I think it's time. I need the music and words to speak to the 3 above. The music has to stir something in me. It's hard to do. Here's some other music I like. You're about to be shocked. You'd never guess it ---coming from a  soon to be 52 year old fat white woman from the Midwest.
Sugar water and mayonnaise sandwich!!!
I love all Trick Daddy music. Ever listen to it? It's complex and has depth. There's a lot going on with the instruments, tunes, vocals, rap etc. COMPLEX! is the word.....
I'm starting to like the Black Keyes but we don't have any albums yet....we need to get some. I've played some songs for Jeff and he seems to like them too.
Another artist's music I am starting to like too is Taylor Swift. I know, right? She's so superficial when I see her on talk shows. She seems to be the type that pronounces the word 'and' as 'ant'. I hate that!! What's up with that?? You're shit doesn't stink? does. Get over it.
But she has some really good songs. I like that she's pulling out from country into pop, she's better suited for pop, in my opinion. Her music's kicky. It sticks in the head all day, which can also be a bad thing after singing 'Shake it off' for the millionth time in one day.
I also like that she writes her own least that's the impression I get.
Another artist I like is Katy Perry. She writes a lot of her songs too.......I think.
What's up with me and these pop chicks?? eh?
Want to hear some of my other faves?
click here:
 Here's what we bought in the last week to hear our music better.

Polk Audio CSiA6 Black Each Center Channel Speaker Polk Audio CSiA6 Black Each Center Channel Speaker
In Stock
1 399.99 399.99
Polk Audio DSW Pro660 wi Powered Sub Polk Audio DSW Pro660 wi Powered Sub
In Stock
1 649.99 649.99
Polk Audio RTiA3 Black Pair Bookshelf/Stand Mount Speakers Polk Audio RTiA3 Black Pair Bookshelf/Stand Mount Speakers
In Stock
1 399.99 399.99
Polk Audio RTiA9 Black Each Floor-standing Speaker Polk Audio RTiA9 Black Each Floor-standing Speaker
In Stock
2 749.99 1,499.98
Onkyo TX-NR828 home theater receiver Onkyo TX-NR828 home theater receiver
In Stock
1 599.99 599.99

Subtotal $3,549.94
Shipping FREE
Sales Tax $0.00
Total $3,549.94
It's going in the basement. We bought a 65 inch smart TV too.
Time to rock.
Our next order will be another subwoofer and these:
 Polk Audio FXi A4 :Dipole/bipole surround speakers (Black)
 They'll go in the middle since they have sound on two sides.
My brother has all these speakers and the sound is awesome!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

One of the greatest things in life

is having a 20lb cat flying into the room you are in, then immediately fly right back out, the whole time bouncing across the floor making thumping noises with his feet. It's really quite funny. I don't know why cats do this? Fun? Happy? I was cooking the other day standing at the stove stirring or something and after about 5 cat passes behind me, I realized Mojo was flying up the basement stairs, through the kitchen, into the living room, screaming, then back through the kitchen and skidding out on the vinyl. Over and over. He'd chirp when he stopped in the living room, freak out a little bit by bouncing around crying, then come flying right back into the kitchen. He really entertained himself for quite a bit. Of course, the dawgs were outside.

He's also a cricket whisperer.

If I have the back door open there's a small space between the screen door and threshold that crickets can squeeze into the house. He lays there waiting for them. I've witnessed it. He does nothing too..... when they come in. He watches them come in.... they meander down the stairs then proceed to chirp in the basement for two weeks until they die. I swear he lays there in the landing calling to them. He watches that tiny slit opening like a hawk.

He will also kill feet for ribbon. Ever seen this pic? That could be him. You drag a ribbon along the floor and he will be sure to annihilate your feet if they are in the way. He doesn't even have front claws. He shreds them with his back feet as he does a mad impersonation of Fred Flintstone trying to get a grip on the floor. You'd think that a 25 lb cat couldn't move like that. You are WRONG.
He's also addicted to catnip. I keep it in the living room hutch. He begs for it.
If I open that hutch, he. is. right. there. He can be in the basement, in a dead sleep and he can hear that hutch open. I hear his 30 lb body madly thomping up the basement stairs, then he screams through the kitchen and slides like a baseball player into home plate aka the living room. His back feet grab the carpet to stop and pivot toward the hutch. Then the mad talking starts. It's a pathetic ramble of craziness. Think of Jim Carey. Utter nonsense, shrill at times and all over the place.
I pour the catnip onto the carpet. If I really want to mess with him I pour it into my hand then rub it between both palms to release all that catnippy goodness.  He will bite me if I put one of my hands too close to his nose. So I don't do that anymore. But sometimes I grab the back of his neck to hold him down and smash my catnipped palm into his face and rub really fast. It's a soft smash, not enough to hurt him. It's quick too, like 3 seconds. THAT really fucks him up. Me smooshing my catnip smelling palm into his nose....LOL But he loves it.
Can you imagine making a human feel this good?
And that, my friends, is why cats rule.

 Our 35 lb cat-Mojo.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I never

used to eat apples. Then I discovered Honey Crisp! I LOVE THOSE THINGS!!!! OMG!! Sweet, crisp, no other apple even compares and I've tried them all...royal gala, pink lady, red, gold, granny, McIntosh etc etc....

Wiki: Honeycrisp-A good read!

Now I get cravings and do something really bad with them. I peel, slice and eat with salt! That sweet salty crispy apple is to die for. Try it!

Today I made a Candy Bar made with graham cracker, chocolate , pecans, coconut and condensed milk.

Melt 1 1/2 sticks butter in a 9x13 pan @350

Add enough graham cracker crumbs to soak up the butter and cover the bottom of the pan. You know how graham crackers come in a box with three cellophane wrapped squares? I use a little over 1 1/2 of the squares. So about a half of a box of graham crackers. I place them in a gallon zip lock and smash them with a heavy glass. Press into the bottom to make an even layer. Then drizzle one can of sweet condensed milk over the graham crust.

Sprinkle one 12 oz bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips on top.

Sprinkle some sweetened flaked coconut on top. I like a lot.  :)

Bake about 10 minutes at 350 until the coconut is browned slightly.

Refrigerate an hour, then cut into bars.


Today I did the traditional for half and the other half I used whole pecans (just a few are broken up) instead of coconut and milk chocolate chips instead of semi sweet. That half will be turtles for Jeff. He doesn't like coconut. My half is bigger......of course....hehe

Hey! I made'em!!

I got the recipe about 15 years ago at my last job. My boss brought them to work and they were so decadent that I asked him for the recipe. I still have the original scrap of paper he wrote it on too. It's so easy and they are so freaking rich. I just ate one before it cooled. OMG
If you're reading this and you like all those ingredients you have to promise me you'll make them. And I promise you won't be disappointed. You'll be making them 15 years from now too.....

I am going to take the rest of the milk chocolate chips and melt them, then add some coconut and roll them into balls. I love those things!! My mom used to make them for Christmas candy. She used to make all kinds of candy for Christmas: divinity, peanut butter fudge, chocolate fudge, chocolate covered cherries, peanut brittle, taffy, rice crispies in chocolate, almond pretzels, man I can't even think of it all.....She used to decorate the house really elaborately too. It was magnificent. My family has gotten together for one Christmas since she died in April 2005 and that was the 2005 Christmas. That was the last time we were all together. My 75 yr old dad is off doing his own thing with his girlfriend and all my siblings are out of state. I actually like it because I really detest getting together for the holidays. I know sounds terrible, right? but I do! Too much work, not enough fun and just an all around pain in the ass. Told like a true Sagittarian....Bah humbug!

Jeff found me a bone in ham roast that I will be cooking tomorrow. Nice price too, around 20.00. Perfect for the two of us. I've been craving making a ham dinner lately. Those bone in hams are a bit hard to find in our area for some reason. Jeff likes the spirals but I don't think they have as much flavor. OH! I found a recipe on Pinterest that's really good!!

Here's a link!

Jeff liked it a lot too. I cooked the breasts in some water heavily seasoned with chicken flavored granules, then chopped them up. I used my homegrown fresh parsley too, in the panko crumbs. I also used heavy cream instead of milk and that was perfect to get the thickness of the sauce. I never use milk anyway. I always have heavy cream or half and half on hand for any dish. I will definitely make this again.

Last week I bought some bath bombs from an ebay seller. 12 of them for 28.00, free shipping. They are big 7 oz bombs too. I couldn't pass it up. Well, she messed up two orders and I got one. LOL. She realized it before I got the one, so she also sent me what I ordered plus a couple extra for my trouble. One of the xtras that she sent me was this:

A solid lotion bar scented in Dead Sexy by Toyko Milk (who I've never heard of). Wow! you know me, I am not even a lotion gal but this thing is sublime!! I rub it on my elbows, arms, lower legs and it smells and feels wonderful. It's going to last a long time too. So if you like heavily scented lotion, then you need to check this item out. Her bombs are HUGE too! I see she's increased the price on them. She probably realized they cost quite a bit to ship and had to increase her prices. I'm glad I got in when I did!

Well, I'd do a bpal review but I'm all slathered up with that lotion off to the bath! I'm reading a book called The Traveling Vampire Show. It's a great read and I am about halfway through it. Be back in a bit....

I'm done! Amazingly the solid lotion stayed on my legs through the whole bath, my legs still feel moisturized! The shins of my legs dry out so bad starting this time of year because of the heat in our cars being directed to the floor. I scratch my legs so bad they bleed. It's terrible. I think I have found the cure! I will have to email her.

I just did. I have to tell people I love their products....I know if I made stuff I'd like to know. So that's my good deed for today.  :)

I got in the mail today three bottles of VApothecary oils. I favorite brand from Nocturne Alchemy. The VA scents are so intense and magical, usually deep resins, musks and patchoulies. Ahhhh.....I wish I could fill a bathtub with them and heat the oil slightly and just slither in it. Today I received Hex, Hocus and Widow Bite.

Hocus.....instant love. Smells like the old head shop days of patchouli. It has that greenness, like champa. This is what you'd wear so you mom wouldn't smell reefer on you....but in a way it smells like reefer. Definitely dreadlocks and rasta colors.

Aged Bastet Amber, Sicilian Blood Orange, Blood Patchouli, Blood Red Musk, Velvet Moors accord, Loam, Eternal Ankh Dark and Black Arctic Moss.

Hex......cherry-ish. another one of those headshop smells of blackcherry and musk. I love this too. Enveloping and harmonious to everyone.

Decadent and delicious black spices of Black Cardamom and Black Clove, Ethiopian Black cherry, vespers of Graveyard Dirt, Loam and a boiling cauldron full of Black Vanilla Amber and Black Ankh Musk.

Widow Bite.....cherry too but sweeter, more foody. This would be a great cupcake flavor. Super heady and cherry. Of course I'm loving this one too...

Red Carnation, Black Cherry, Blackened Honey-Musk, Blackberry Sugar, Egyptian Musk Sugar, Tobacco Flower and Halloween Spiced Cakes. I've got to get some of this Hocus on me.....

ahhhhhhhhh....heaven, I'm in heaven....It's a lot more intense in the bottle than on. I wasn't expecting that. It's nicely smooth but also has that champa-ish bite to it. Sexy as hell. Jeff will hate it and I will never be able to put it on him.....bah!! Maybe if I promise sex..........nope I know my man, not even sex will get him to wear this one. LOL

Tonight I am making fried chicken. I buy these small organic frying chickens from Sam's Club which are the perfect size for the two of us. ( I roast them too and have no problem) He's been wanting fried chicken for a couple weeks but it's so messy and I haven't mastered it yet. I know, right? His mom makes great fried chicken and my mom did too, but I can't seem to get it right. I either get it too salty, not salty enough, the coating slides off.....there's always sumpin that I do wrong. I'm going to peruse allrecipes and pinterest to combine a few ideas. Wish me luck.

Oh I just remembered. Someone called me retarded on youtube because I said a video was lip synched.  ROFLMAO!!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Long time no see!!!

I've been missing in action.

I just ordered Dominoes pizza.

Thin crust pepperoni with green pepper and Fiery Hawaiian. Sliced ham, smoked bacon, pineapple, roasted red peppers, hot sauce, jalapeños, cheeses made with 100% real mozzarella and provolone on a cheesy Parmesan Asiago crust.

Oh yeah. Gimme that artisan piece of heaven! I know there's those of you out there that despise pineapple on pizza. You can just kiss my ass. LOL

I feel the sweet with the salty, smokey, spicy flavors is going to be out of this world. The sweet will bring the heat down a notch. Make it better, richer.

Most likely it will suck. The pizza will be limp and cold. That's my life in a nutshell. 

I made another Halloween wreath lately. Jeff helped me with it. He just about designed the whole thing. Here it is.

Now he thinks he needs to design ALL my wreaths........pfffft.
The wreath has 3 settings for the lights. On and blinking only, off, and on blinking and playing the scary tune! It's awesome! It's for my bestie....again.....She truly appreciates my hellish wreaths and that's why I make her so many.
Okay I gotta admit this fiery Hawaiian pizza lives up to it's name! Freaking spicier than shit and I LOVE the pineapple on it. There's a lot of jalapenos on it so if you like hot, this is the one to get! Yowsa!  
Here's another wreath I made lately. I sold it for $60.00!

I have crickets in my living room. It got cold here fast the last couple days. I had to bring my plants in. One plant has crickets. They were singing and I found them on the plant. I failed to put insect killer in the pot. Gonna do that now. They are chirping. I have a systemic. Man that stuff smells! Smells like a combo of Asphyxia and some bad-bad chemicals.

Yep it's been DAYS since I did the last bpal review. Lets find something I haven't smelled yet.

I have a white cardboard box with partitions in it to separate the vials. (Imps) It smells WONDERFUL! this box, when I opened it. It's mostly spicy and floral. Like strong oils from the 60's.

Gorgeous box of bpals.

There's 100 here. I am going to pick a  number and pull that one out. How about number 14. I say that because my cable channel is on 14. This documentary about Lincoln's assassin is on. Say that three times....assassin is, assassin is, assassin is......14 across, going left to right, like Never heard of it before. Must be a decant because it's not in one of bpals vials. It smells piney and cleaner like. Hmmm....I tend to like that. This is heavenly.

It's a soapy scent. Like Irish Spring. It makes me happy!

I'm on the search for the perfect tunic sweater dress to wear with legging and ankle boots. I really like that look. It's classy and comfortable at the same time. Plus I own lots of boots!

Off to peruse the internet!