Sunday, March 31, 2013

BPAL review 'Lick It Softly' and the other white meat

Okay, Missy asked me if I had Lick It so I could review it but I don't have it. Sorry Miss! But recently I got Lick It Softly and it may possibly be nothing like Lick It. I don't know since I don't know what's in either. I think Lick It is a foodie scent though, that's about all I can seem to remember hearing about it. Plus Missy loves foodie scents. Have you seen her blog? If you scroll down from here, on the right hand side you can click on it. Look for my 2 members. Yeah I have 2 now!! (jumping up and down) Her BPAL reviews blow mine away. She has an incredible talent for describing a bpal so that you think you smell it. No crap. You are in the moment!

Anyway, back to 

Lick It Softly

In the vial: MINTY! Mint good enuf to eat! I kid you not. I'd love to have this as a breath freshener.

On the hand: SUPER MINTY! LOL I think I like this!! I normally wouldn't choose mint to wear as a perfume but I may have to change that! There's also a sugary element that's giving the mint a candy like sweetness. I think if this was straight up mint I probably wouldn't like it as much but this sweetness is turning this into a feminine, frilly little girl scent.....and this 50 year old needs all the help she can get!! hahaha
I think there's a musk way down deep too, that kind of grounds this a bit. I swear I think there's musk in everything bpal. LOL

What's in this? A sticky, sweet peppermint candy cane with a copious dusting of vanilla.

Hmm, no musk. Maybe my hand is just musky to me. Snort. I like this a lot and as it dries it is getting less minty and more vanilla-ey. It's a keeper and depending on the 1 hour drydown a possible big bottle winner.

Today I am making a bone in smoked ham. I love the ones with the bone in them they taste soooo much better than boneless. I'm also making baked beans, roasted garlic mashed potatoes and broccoli with cheese sauce. I always want to spell broccoli as brocolli. What's up with that? I didn't even realize it was Easter until Jeff said something about it, then I didn't believe him. So the ham dinner is kind of appropriate for Easter although I was just making it because I was hungry for bone in ham. Must have been a hint from God.

I take those hints seriously.

Happy Easter everyone!

Oh my! I didn't color Easter eggs!

This looks fun and cool. Thank God for Youtube.


Never, ever, ever, ever, ever

No, this isn't a tribute to Taylor Swift.

This is a warning to never, ever, ever, ever, ever place a dog bed onto your brand new recliner, even for a moment to vacuum the floors.


Why you ask??

Because the recliner will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever be yours again. Because if you take the dog bed off, the cat will hover on the arm of the recliner for hours giving you an indignant look until you realize you're being stared at and the guilt makes you put the dog bed back onto the recliner so the cat can joyously sleep in bliss.

The dog bed's been on the recliner for two weeks now because Cindy will actually hover on the arm of the recliner staring at us until we put it back.  I think we can officially call it Cindy's Chair now. 

Another BPAL review

Blind pick into the box!! Digging, digging....


Light yellow in color. Ack! reminds me of Zombi in the vial. Putrid greens. MUCH better on the hand. At least now some florals are coming out. In fact, after 2 minutes it's really nice and florally. Very intense too. I think I smell some citrus, rose, musk. It's gorgeous. Liking this a lot. Another one that needs a light handed application so not to burn the noses of all those nearby. I wonder if there is jasmine in this because it's very strong in smell. Jasmine is always strong to me. It does remind me of a funeral though so I wonder if there's lilies also. I can't stand the smell of stargazer lilies.
Now that this has been on my hand a bit that putrid smell's coming back. Crazy morpher. What's in this?

When I just now tried to find the bpal description I couldn't find a Lunar. I found a Lunar Phoenix and a Luna. This was a frimp that the ebay seller gave me and the label is handwritten. It says Lunar.

Here's the scent description for Luna:  Touareg tea, Asian pear, carnation, lime sugar, green musk, armoise, and thyme.

Here's the scent description for Lunar Phoenix: A blessing of imagination, pleasure, and foresight: galbanum, orris root, lettuce, pink lotus absolute, purple lily, bay, jasmine, narcissus, camphor, mugwort, yam flower, passionflower, parsley, and white papaya.

I see jasmine and lily in Lunar Phoenix--I think we have a winner!!! Plus I doubt someone would ADD a letter to the imp, more than likely it was one they were planning to keep and knew it was Lunar Phoenix just with the word Lunar and left off the Phoenix.

This is an excellent concert, by the way. I first had it on VHS tape, then also bought it on DVD. I pop it on my big screen, turn on the surround sound and crank it up and do housework to it.

Stay tuned for tomorrow (today)  when I review Lick It Slowly. (yeah I'll let this post continue to say Lick It Slowly when it should be Lick It Softly) (I have CRS. Can't Remember Shit)

Dawg Tormention continued

I know there is no such word as tormention, I made it up. LOL I thought it was torment worth mentioning.

But here's another way I torment the dawgs. I have them watch me put their toys on the ceiling fan blades.

Click pic to enlarge
Then I set the fan on the low setting so the blades twirl the slowest. Then I turn on the fan just for a few seconds with the switch on the wall and the blades start up. I keep doing that to keep the fan turning. On, off, on, off. Not fast enough for the toys to fly off. The dawgs are below looking up watching their toys go round and round. It makes them crazy!! Finally I will allow the blades to go fast enough that the toys do fly off and the dawgs fly all over the room trying to catch them!
It's great fun!! Bwahahahahahahaa!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Homemade dressing

Today I am making homemade dressing. Normally we only eat it once a year at Thanksgiving but I've decided to make it all year round now. In fact, I made it 2 weeks ago.
It's easy to make just a little tricky in getting the liquid to bread ratio correct and also getting the sage amount just right.
(all heat temps are farenheit)

1 loaf of Italian or French bread
1/4 stick of butter
3 celery stalks-chopped
1 small onion-chopped
1 egg-beaten
1 tall can chicken broth or 3- 15 oz cans, probably won't use it all
Ground sage-tablespoon? to taste
Salt and pepper-to taste

I tear the bread into small pieces and put it on a large cookie sheet that has edges, or into a 9x13 cake pan. Then I stick it in my oven to dry for a few days. The oven is NOT on. I just keep it in there so dawg hair won't get into it. LOL Sometimes I keep it in the microwave depending on the size of the pan. And yes I have forgotten I've had bread in the oven drying and needed the oven for something and turned it on to preheat and ended up with brown toasted bread. Sigh. Then I have to buy new bread and start over. Sometimes the bread isn't dry enough the day I plan to make it and then I turn the oven on the lowest setting (170 degrees) and stick a large spoon in the door to keep the door propped open. Then I watch it ve-e-e-e-ery carefully to not toast it too much. I don't want to brown it at all.

So once I'm ready to make the dressing (some people call it stuffing), I put the bread into a huge bowl.
I also take the butter and melt it in a skillet, then add the onions and celery and saute until they are really soft. I also don't want to brown the onions and celery, so I have to watch that carefully too. Did I say this was easy to make? is! don't give up yet!

Once the onions and celery are soft, I add them to the bread. Then I add enough chicken broth until the bread is totally saturated. Then I add more until it's kind of runny. Here there is also a fine line between too dry and too runny. Being a little bit too wet is better than too dry because the liquid will evaporate in the oven. I take my hands and dig into the bread and keep squishing the lumps of bread between my fingers to break them up. NO LUMPS! When that's done I then add the sage. I also sprinkle some salt to taste and pepper into it. I do NOT add the egg yet because I will be tasting the dressing while it's raw. Now sage is a tricky little seasoning and really this dish is to taste with the sage. Some people like a little sage, some like a lot. Our family likes a sagey dressing but there's a very fine line between a lot of sage and too much. If I burn it with sage it's almost inedible to eat. So I add it in increments, stir, then taste. I'd say I use a tablespoon or pretty close to that for this amount of bread. So I add a little sage, taste, more sage, taste, more sage taste. I do NOT add the full tablespoon of sage all at once!  It's just something that after all the years of making this I can pretty much tell how much to add. What can I say, it's a gift.  <rolls eyes>

Once I get the sage right I add the egg. I beat the dressing as I stir it. I stir it real hard and beat air into it. It'll make it fluffier.
Then I pour it into a cake pan, cover with foil and cook for  about 1 1/2 hours at 335. For me, 325 is too low and 350 too hot so I compromise with the 335. Weird, eh? I don't know why people only cook in 25 degree increments. I blew that concept up a long time ago. hahaha  I take the foil off the last 10 minutes to get the top brown.
I will try to remember to post some pics later.
Here's the bread in my oven:

The celery and onion first starting to cook in the butter.

When the onion and celery are soft enough.

The broth I used. I didn't even open the square one. Didn't need it.

I poured the onions and celery into the bread.

My new toaster oven. LOL
The chicken. I decided to try something new. I realized that most of my favorite family dishes were made with onions and celery. Our dressing, our potato salad, our liverpaste. So I decided to make extra onions and celery and I put it under the skin on the chicken, inside the cavity and on top. So those brown chunks are the celery and onions.

Mix the bread with the liquid and really make sure there are no hard pieces of bread when all done.

This is what it looks like after squishing and squeezing.

This is the wet consistency needed. In fact this is a bit too wet so I did cook it at 350 to get that liquid to evaporate quicker.

The first bout of ground sage. It looks like a lot but it's actually not thick underneath it. It's sprinkled in.

The first bout of sage wasn't enough. Here's the second amount and it was perfect.

This gives you an idea of how runny this is. And remember this was a bit too runny, but not much.

I just plop the egg on top.

Then I mix the egg in with the spoon.
After that, I really beat the mixture for about a minute.

Poured into the casserole dish. Spray it with PAM or a cooking spray first so it's easier to clean the dish afterwards.
I'll be back with pics of the cooked dressing. It's still in the oven.

Done! Normally I'd cook it longer than this and it'd be more brown but it was already 9:00 at night and Da Man was hungee!!

Can you smell this to see if it's SPOILED!?

Monday, March 25, 2013


I put a bird feeder right outside the living room picture window.

I know.

Terrible to do to 2 dawgs and 4 cats, right?

Hey, I have to get my shits and giggles somewhere!

So this little squinty-aka ground squirrel-aka chipmunk-came a calling for some birdfeed.


 Every one got in on the act to take a looksie.


Mojo and Marly

Sometimes a head would hit the window, but usually the cats would shake their mouths while yayayayayayayayakking. 

Didn't I say EVERYONE!?

Mojo, Marly and Ava
The squinty would load up his cheeks then take off and not come back for a good ten minutes. He must have lived far!! The cats and dawg would get tired while waiting for him to come back. LOL

Mojo, Rikki, Marly and Ava
Eventually we graduated to a feeder on a pole.


This is a dawg's eye-view.

That squirrel even braved the snow!!

Yep, the things we do to entertain ourselves, eh?


Thursday, March 21, 2013

and a life just stops..............

My sister in law died on St Patrick's Day. Her fave holiday and her grandma's 99th birthday. The funeral is tomorrow.

So sad.

So sad.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sometimes something just has to be reiterated...

Like this song.

It makes me happy.

Happy Happy Happy <<<<said like Phil on Duck Dynasty

I like these:

And this:

I don't condone any of the stuff in the middle. I've always wanted to say that word. Condone.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


We got the corner desk put together that was delivered 2 weeks ago. Hubby's been working the last 2 weekends at shows so no time to put it together. So I've had 2 huge long boxes laying in my living room for two weeks. Bah! I'll have to take pics as soon as I have it all set up with the decorations etc.
I'm almost there. Okay....let me take a pic. <picking up some crap off the desk> One moment please......

Okay this is a wide view of the desk:

I bought an L-shaped corner desk for more desk top area. Before we just had a desk with a hutch. This is Bush® Somerset 60" Compact L-Desk, Hansen Cherry Finish. Freaking 500 bucks total! Ridiculous considering we paid 189.00 for the previous desk and it was more solid. They just don't make things the way they used to, do they? pfffft Sometimes the American Way just sucks.

As I took the photos I switched some stuff around. Can you guess the changes?

I have two decorated boxes at the top that hold my BPAL, Possets etc oils. The purple one looks like a book but it isn't.

This is my silver metal tray that holds my incense, incense burners, candle tarts, tart burner, and candles. This corner smells super good! Jeff hates it. hehe

This is the printer and the bpals I haven't smelled or reviewed yet. Yes, the two white boxes at the bottom have bpals in them too. <sigh> <not enough time in the day......>

There's my post and a bird cage that I bought at the flea market a couple months ago. I have one of the computer speakers in it! LOL

These are BPAL and Moonalisa cards I got with my orders. So cool!